I posted a thread on it back in april of 2024 and most people were thoroughly repulsed by the idea. Most saying “just play a human or blood elf, Dracthyr are SUPPOSED to be dragons!”
So, was it as disastrous as you thought it’d be? Is it being abused by in horrendous ways by helfers? Genuinely curious.
I don’t particularly care, I just want Dracthyr to be able to wear the gear they have because most of the shoulders/belts available to Dracthyr do not match their prefab armor at all.
Warlocks should be able to fly without a mount and no form well before Dracthyr are able to do it. In the very first story about the Sundering of Azeroth Warlocks flew in robes in the sky wihout mounts raining infernals down.
That’s okay, considering I’ve read people who agree with me and had discussions in streaming chats your dime store psychiatrist diagnosis makes me laugh
The trinket that turns me into Vrykul, Dwarf, or Tauren show off Evoker breath attacks pretty well. Deep Breath in particular looks awesome as a Vrykul flying through the air. Frost Dwarf looks best with Disintegrate.
because people like the class and nobody likes the race. people can argue thats not true but the stats dont lie. evokers are like 3% of players and dracthyr for other classes arent even 1%. the lack of transmog did the most damage. im willing to bet 80% of the reason at a minimum is because of this. i stock up on toys food and anything else that changes my look when i play my evoker cause i despise the dracthyr lizard form as its transmog options are pretty crap. ide be curious how much less i hate them if dracthyr had transmog.
thats because people wanted dragon like not this we have mcdonalds at home lizard. there the least dragon looking dragon race ive seen. ide rather the au’ra from final fantasy 14