Now that the dust has settled, what do you guys think about Dracthyr being allowed to fight in visage form?

Except in this hypothetical your orc model would have a massive amount of customization options, like how the drac visages have.

Visages came with the race bud, sorry.


This too, people have asked to be worgen in human form in combat for a long time but the replies from Blizz and the forums was always “argh if you wanna ply a human play a human.”

To be clear I would sometimes want to be Wolf and sometimes Human depending on the transmog.

The game encourages you to play alts and spec-only builds, otherwise they wouldn’t have added over 60 character slots to the game. Just go wild, learn to play and love other races and specs.

No…the situations are different. Worgen are cursed, while Dracthyr can choose which form to be in. Calm the Wolf is fine, but giving Worgen players the ability to stay in human form all the time defeats the purpose of rolling Worgen. If you’re just gonna be a human running around, might as well just roll Human.

As for Dracthyr, I feel the same way. If I wanted to run around as a human or Blood Elf, I’d roll Human or Blood Elf. On my Dracthyr characters, I pretty much stay in Dracthyr form, unless I’m forced by the story to use a mount instead of just flying.

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I have every class and every Alliance race which is what I play mostly, so I have a wide variety. My point is my Worgen Mage some of the Mage Transmogs look kind of dumb hunched over. I shouldn’t have to roll a Human Mage too just to occasionally use that transmog.

That is what a lot of us are saying, if people want to play a human 99% of the time why roll Dracthyr warrior?


it’s pretty dumb but i really don’t care

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Okay wait.

I thought it said being allowed to flight in Visage form not fight for some reason. Whoops, my bad. :grin:

Yeah, they’re incentivised to. Visage gives a big health regen bonus to dracthyr and their party members. It’s silly not to run around using it.

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It’s just a fun conversation, or interesting. I really don’t care and I think if Blizz did away with the current racial system and turned it into more of a talent system people would be free to play whatever they want.

I mean I play whatever I want because most racials are such a small boost and I don’t play serious content so it doesn’t matter. But I’ll admit sometimes I want my human warrior to have stoneform

I think worgen and dracthyr shouldn’t have a visage form.


I have yet to read every reply but I imagine Worgen Druids are polarized over this thread.

I actually think “Chosen form” is a very neat compromise between the two positions.


I agree. For worgen it’s as though maintaining their human form takes some amount of concentration. But when combat starts and the adrenaline hits they can’t keep the beast contained anymore. For evokers, it’s just the reality that their abilities utilise their draconic features. You can’t do dragon stuff without being a dragon.

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Forget the hypothetical then, the much simpler comparison that has been brought up is Worgen why can’t they be humans all the time too then?

And please don’t give me the “cursed,” excuse Blizzard has clearly thrown the actual lore and logic out the window in recent years. The model is in the game let people be wolf or human as much as they want just like Dracthyr can be visage or dragon.

Maybe it’s just me, but Dracthyr are rare.

Just as common as Earthen, imo.

I think many would just rather play their elves instead.

That said please let our adorable lizard frens display their deviantart ocs on the forums as their avatars if they want.

“What is 1 + 1 and don’t give me any of that “2” bs.”

More seriously, are there a decent amount, (I’d say about 5 or more instances) of worgen characters shown to be able to fight heavily in their human form? If the answer is no, then no they shouldn’t be available, if the answer is yes, then yes they should. Simple.

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It’s been how many years since they were cursed, in a world of magic, fantasy, inventions, titans I think it would be perfectly fine for a quick questline and then we say “hey after all this time we have learned to control our rage and fight in human form.”

Also is there any evidence prior to this that Dracthyr could fight in visage form, no because Blizz literally just made it up. Unless you can point me to a story showing otherwise.

Yeah I wouldn’t mind that, if there are no instances if Blizzard wants to create new lore to pave the way that’s fine with me. I’m not radically opposed to new lore being introduced. The only thing I would say I’d like is it to be implied to be rare, so like, a very small amount of worgens in canon can do this but your average gilnean wouldn’t. Cause I think retconning them(worgens as a race lorewise, not worgennplayers) to be just humans now who can turn into wolves if they want to is kinda lame.

I’m pretty sure in some of the comics there were regular dragons who did fighting in their visages, so we could extrapolate from that, I could be wrong though.

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Yeah it certainly could be made to imply only us as player characters, and the major Worgen NPCs had this ability.