GNOMES: We're long overdue

Someone suggested in another thread that squeaky wheels get grease. So listen up Blizz. You have already catered to Elves, and Dracthyr, and even Dwarves. It is time you paid more attention to the #1 diminutive race in this game. GNOMES.

Gnomereagan is not retaken. We’ve only scratched the surface. In another thread, I mentioned what we could do about retaking it entirely.

The Rebirth of Gnomeregan

Now, for the rest of the requests. You might want to grab a coffee. Gnomes have been around for 20 years, and it is high time they were given MORE.

  1. The Titan World, and our place in it: People seem to forget one of the best raids ever added to this game took place in a Titan city built by Mechagnomes, and inhabited by other species. We need one whole expansion dedicated to Gnomes and Mechagnomes alike.

  1. Transportation: Airships? Teleporters? Wonderform devices? All Gnomes. Engineering? Mostly Gnomes, at least the stuff that doesn’t blow up in your face. We built MOST of what you have used to win your wars, or should I not remind anyone of the absolute BOSS that was Mekkatorque in the Battle for Dazar’alor?

Mekkatorque, risking life, and losing limbs, single handedly brought down a bunch of Zandalari warchips. Gelbin is the ONLY reason we even made it to the landing zone despite Jaina’s failure to keep the ship safe during the incursion. If she had done her job, he would not have needed Mechagnome limbs and medical assistance.



  1. Weapons of all kinds: We ALL know that Gnomish Engineering handed us some of the best guns in the game, and even improved on some of the Goblin explosives. We have so many cool items that Engineering was almost a main staple in Vanilla PvP. Flying Tiger goggles were seen everywhere!



The Alliance would have lost a LONG time ago had it not been for Gnomes. Or maybe everyone forgot the ship that helped catch and bring down Deathwing…

The very ship where these to pop culture legends helped us…

Mounts that changed the game: Gnomish Engineering has brought some of the coolest rides to the game, even early on. I would venture to say MOST of us already have them, and even used our Gnomes or Engineers to build them for others.


So, Goblins are getting an entire patch, and ironically probably also launching the Tinker class. But Gnomes are LONG overdue for some new stuff. Give us our city back as an actual hub with an AH, banks, mogs, barbershop, a flight path, and more. Include us in more content, and CINEMATICS. Stop ignoring the one small race that seems to have the biggest impact in winning against the Horde, or actual bad guys. We need paladins and druids to help round out our rosters…


They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Let’s see if they are right.

TL;DR - Gnomes deserve some love. Goblins have had their time in the sun more than once.


Gnomes should gain access to engineering transmogs (goggles) without having it as an active profession.

Also: all the stuff you said


This post looks weird coming from a Worgen avatar.


I’d love this!

Unfortunately you’re going to run into a lot of opposition from those who think the entire game should be Humans and Orcs smashing their foreheads together repeatedly.

Gnomes deserve a little focus, and their own livable capital.

Great job putting this all together. :slight_smile:


I do not know if I really want robotic lions as a gnome druid. Not unless I can combine them into Voltron, minus the copy right stuff.


I wasnt invested until I saw the Squirrel Gnome Balance form. I must have that.


Also, Gnome Paladin armour must hang slightly off them, like a kid in their parent’s clothes.


They should do a day where we all become Gnomes for 24 hours.


Could have the Knockoff GoBots!


You’re right that Gnomeregan needs to become a proper city. The dungeon can easily be made into a Cavern of Time or Bronze Dragon instance.


I would have switched to my Gnome, sadly I do not trust getting locked out with the Forum bug. :rofl:


5 gnome druids in a Dungeon combine to become Voltron in Boss fights. Restos can be green lions and tanks get the black lion. 3 DPS are red, yellow, and blue :rofl:


Gnomes deserve more attention and there is absolutely no reason for them not to have their racial city after almost 20 years
But my god no gnome druids
That’s an oxymoron and an abomination


I solved for that awhile back:

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It’s kind of odd that gnomes of all races sill do not have a mech-mount themed after them. They were the OG gundam pilots of Azeroth.

Mechatorque hogging that monster for hinself.


I’m sorry but the #1 Diminutive race in the game is Vulpera.

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Build a new capital city, we did and it um, nevermind. Gnomeria - the city in the sky! Not literally a flying city, like Machu Pichu, teetering on top a narrow mountain top. Although a flying city would make it easier to get around, make the Vindicaar and Dalaran look like trash heaps in comparison.

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Gnomish moon city. Really stick it to the Night Elves. Poor darlings were without a city for a whole expansion.

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Dude hell yes.

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That would be a great April Fool’s prank. Folks would rage. They couldn’t even get over the paperclip gag lol