Notable Differences Between Cataclsym Classic 4.4.0 and Original Cataclysm 4.0.3a

As Deathwing approaches, we want Classic progression players to know about some features from original Cataclysm (4.0.3a) that are going to differ in the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch (4.4.0).

Hunter Pets

Hunter pets will function differently in the 4.4.0 Cataclysm Classic Pre-patch than they did in original Cataclysm patch 4.0.3a.

In original Cataclysm, Hunter players were able to place 5 pets in their stable and summon them anywhere in the world.

Initially in patch 4.4.0, Hunter pets will work the same way they do in Wrath Classic. Hunters will continue to be able to summon 1 pet and will need to go to a Stablemaster to switch to a different one. We will update this Hunter functionality with the Cataclysm Classic expansion content launch (or sooner).

Additionally, original Cataclysm launched with Pet Aggressive stance, and Pet Assist stance later replaced Pet Aggressive stance in patch 4.2.0. We plan to have Pet Aggressive stance in place with 4.4.0, and then add Pet Assist stance in a future update.

Void Storage

Void Storage was originally added to World of Warcraft in the 4.3.0 patch. In Cataclysm Classic, we’re implementing a new Collections feature, as well as account-wide Transmogrification. This makes Void Storage largely unnecessary for holding your Transmog items.

It is our intention to not add the Void Storage feature to Cataclysm Classic.

Guild Perks

The Guild Perks system has been streamlined for Cataclysm Classic. Guilds themselves do not gain levels, and item rewards are granted as players level up their guild reputation. In Cataclsym Classic, many perks are granted to guild members immediately upon joining a guild, and many perks that were associated with Guilds in original Cataclysm are now granted to all players by default.

Two perks from original Cataclysm will not be available in Cataclysm Classic: Have Group, Will Travel and Cash Flow.

Guild Finder and Guild Events Calendar

In original Cataclysm patch 4.1.0, a Guild Finder system and a Guild Events Calendar were added to World of Warcraft. We intend to add the Guild Finder and the Guild Events Calendar to Cataclysm Classic in a future patch, after the launch of Cataclysm content.

Barbershop Closed Temporarily for Worgen

At the start of pre-patch, Worgen will not be able to access the Barbershop. Access will arrive in an update soon.

Increased Drops in Wrath Classic Dungeons

As detailed here, these increased drop rates for Wrath Classic dungeons will continue throughout the Cataclysm Classic pre-patch (and possibly thereafter).


Will there be an increase to guild challenges to compensate for the loss of cash flow? (I am not arguing for the return of cash flow.)


Sorry but this all screams, we didn’t properly plan for things giving some of this information the night before, and also not addressing the pre-patch events and whether or not they also will be in the game.

no void storage is just indicative this current path of the game lacking resources in favor of retail and SoD.


Any plans to fix the clipping that’s happening in the open world? The broken Talents for certain Classes like DK? The texture glitches ?

Has anything been fixed from the PTR or Beta because it sounds like the exact same thing.


Flat out removing mass summon is a clown take. Cash Flow is fine just increase the rewards for guild dungeons/raids weekly


No void storage because collections tab? Yikes… You had to pull items out of void storage to tmog your gear. Anyone who was pulling items out just to put them back in right after was ripping themselves off with prices. It wasn’t even until mop 5.3 that you could tmog from bank/void storage yet still had it, so it clearly wasn’t the only intended reason.

This was a system that was stated to be long term storage for items you wanted to keep for the length of the game due to sentimental reasons OR aesthetic reasons. Guess I will have to dedicate 3/4 my bank to these items still because they are just simply unobtainable anymore.

This entire post just seems like you rushed and didn’t bother communicating intended changes at all. You gave people who have the ability to res mas res, why not give raid summon to warlocks? Yah yah, closets but its faster.

Who does it hurt specifically to leave void storage in? If you dont want to use it… dont…I still use it to this day in retail.

Edited to add:

Yea… for transmog its pointless but it was never only about transmog storage. Those who thought so didn’t understand the system and its clear that the current team doesn’t either. My other post further down describes Blizzards original statement and reasoning for adding void storage and transmog holding was only 1 of many reasons and that wasn’t even fleshed out for another entire xpack.

The removal of a system that has benefit for players is NEVER the right call. Just because not every single person would use it, doesn’t mean it should be trashed.

Post I referenced:


feels like they checked out after wrath and just needed to do the minimum to have a classic xpac out


It seems only SoD since they have more blue post than cata


Summoning stones exist. It’s going to be ok.

Cash flow was toxic and created mass invite guilds for the purpose of enriching the GM. It did not continue into MoP.


lol the we ran out of time to release the game properly thread.

then we removed stuff we didnt like. FFS


or stuff they couldnt bother to implement lol


Truly the sad end of Cata not with bang but a whimper


The hunter pet changes don’t make sense to me honestly. The idea has been that we’re going into the expansion with the final patch’s designs, so I don’t understand why now change something and it’s to remove QoL.

Also not wild about Void Storage being removed. Modern WoW has Collections and yet I still can use the two tabs of Void Storage there.


Cashflow gone? sure that make sense it was a peak driver of cesspool guilds. But HGWT? that makes me sad I liked mass summon and its something that doesnt exist in retail anymore so i would have liked to have it.


Wrong. That was barely its original purpose. Add it back.


This really sounds like Reforge all over again :^(


Arbitrarily taking out Void Storage without any announcement until just before prepatch despite Void Storage being for far more than transmog? Nice one Blizz.


Is the part about Void Storage a very late April Fool’s joke?


Legitimately… pathetic. You should feel bad about this release. You are doing progression players dirty.