Stealthy changes yesterday, massive gold nerf

Ye, but still i got gold from 4/10 bossses? Even Raganors didnt gave me gold neither did Luciferon

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I know all of that. But things were like that without any of those fixes til yesterday. Yesterday was the hotfix patch, they didnt mention the changes they did. Is it so hard to understansd you white knight lover? Tell me where in yesterdays post they mentioned that they changed the agro stance and stable? and Gold reduction ? .
Go and check the dungeon finder now, not my problem that you don’t keep track of all the things in the game and how much xp they were giving you at any given time. you are the kind of people that never notices the stealth changes because you couldn’t give less of a f

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don’t you mean I’m a white knight? Why would I be the lover of a white knight if you think I’m doing the white knighting? If pointing out mis-statements is white knighting, then is that even a word anymore?

I quoted that its on their list of known bugs and noteable differences. Are you upset that they were fixed but they havent made the blue post about it yet?

again, this was known from the 4.1 patch notes

I’m level cap, can’t check experience. This just seems like anecdotal evidence though, since the experience formula has been theorycrafted out before. Should be easy for you to prove your point instead of throwing out stuff wildly and see what sticks.

I’m 90% sure I got 100g from Rag. On TSM I see a 100g spike from where I killed him and then another 100g a few minutes later from vendoring.

Yes I’ve read those blue posts long before you ever did… I knew those fixes were coming. But as they said in those posts if you even cared to read them… “They will later on and not in the begining would come” we are not even on cata, we are on pre patch and they already came, and you know what? They didn’t even mentioned it on the hotfixes notes they did yesterday. That’s what I care about. So yeah, I’m deffo mad because they are not being transparent enough


are you saying people should have known that a patch that went in yesterday contained a change from a patch that went in 14 years ago?

I’m saying the change went in with the prepatch. Just because he noticed it yesterday doesn’t mean it happened yesterday.


Prepatch is 4.4.0, If assist is in now, then that is a future update from 4.4.0

Lmao you’re such a funny guy. Life must be miserable being a blizzard white knight lover. Enjoy your cope :slight_smile: at least most people agree with my take and not yours

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There’s plenty of things to be upsetty spaghetti at blizzard for, but this ain’t it chief.

Even if that was true, and it’s not, being in the majority opinion doesn’t make it the right opinion :wink:

Okay, that is a logical response.

So the gold changes did actually go in with the pre-patch? Who here is speculating and who is accurate? I don’t actually know, and would like to know when the change happened, if at all.

I went to solo Magtheridon the first week of pre-patch and can confirm the gold nerfs were in place.

No matter how many sht arguments you do to defend blizzard transparency that will not change the fact that they are not being transparent enough. Then again, not my problem because you apparently don’t have a hunter character so you have no clue what they have changed yesterday without telling anyone besides a bluepost made a month ago (which don’t get me wrong, I love this change I just don’t love the fact that they don’t care to include it on the hotfixes list).

Alright, the last thing I would say on that then, is it should have been in the pre-patch notes. Not everything is changing as it did then and most of us are not reading patch notes from each patch back then. Either way we can chalk it up to poor communication, just not the poor communication this guy is upset about.

No, Mc the previous 2 weeks were giving 700 gold, Yesterday I went and I got 250 gold out of it. The other dude in the post said the same thing. So atm its 2 against one white knight guy

I haven’t done anything to defend blizzard’s transparency. I agree, I wish they announced stuff more or were more forthcoming with their plans. It’s dumb that you have to watch a 30 minute interview with Crix just to get some idea on what they are thinking about for post nerf raids and archeology.

Still waiting on finding out what happened to the “Auction House update”?

Its just all of your points have documentation and you are upset over “stealth changes”.

might me some bug then cuz i checked mine and i didnt get any, hopefully they will check it and fix it

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