Guild Perks YAY.. or NAY

Without seeing in game yet I think the removal of cash flow removes some animosity that happened in original. Probably would be worse today in that guilds are not as tight as they once were. Seems many recruited past few months in hope of getting that coin off the backs of their guild members with probably personal gain in mind.

Since you gain perks now based on guild reputation (so it seems per thread), that sounds like a “bank guild” one owns might have access to stuff they normally wouldn’t have. Not a bad thing if that is true but since no guild leveling, it’s going to mean “why join a guild” for the casual who maybe doesn’t raid or people (like myself) who belongs to small guilds.

Thoughts from original cata players like myself?

I think the idea of guild-achieves would be interesting to experience for those in 2024 new to Cataclysm.

I don’t think forum moderators and customer support would have much fun with all the complaints about losing access to guild perks after changing guilds, being kicked or “forced to stay in toxic…” etc.

So, moving this to individual/account perks/achievements makes sense, imo, and this is part of that set of trade offs.


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IDK that guild achieves (all or some) are gone, we’ll have to see.

Glad to see Cash Flow gone.


Yeah that just created spam guilds that made the GM rich. Glad they got rid of that.


Sorry not achieves, perks.


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I really enjoyed guild leveling at the start of the original Cata. It was just fun to have that camaraderie, and in addition to the challenging dungeons and raids at the time, the guild things were my top good memories of Cata.

I also think that stability and longetivity of a guild community is important and should be rewarded. Flakiness and things like dissolving and reforming guilds at the drop of a hat should not be rewarded. That was the original thought behind this.

As someone who has always played WoW for community over any self-focused reason, I also find the personal rep style grind to be boring and unoriginal, with there being nothing fun or exciting about it at all.

With that being said I understand some of it, like the removal of the gold perk, but I am very glad I got to experience the fun of the original game. Truth be told I am not interested in playing Cata a second time, but things like this just solidify that choice.


well, from my understanding, cash flow is gone, but you should still be able to earn guild gold doing guild raids, dungeon runs, and RBGs. You still, as a guild, need to make 10,000 flasks for cauldrons and catch 10,000 fish for fish feast. So there are still guild events to do together.

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That seems like a bummer.

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