Hunter Call Pet not working?

Is this spell broken? When I use Call Pet 1, 2, 3, or 4 they call the same pet?

I’m trying all sorts of fiddling with it, but I cannot get it to work either.

Hunter Pets

Hunter pets will function differently in the 4.4.0 Cataclysm Classic Pre-patch than they did in original Cataclysm patch 4.0.3a.

In original Cataclysm, Hunter players were able to place 5 pets in their stable and summon them anywhere in the world.

Initially in patch 4.4.0, Hunter pets will work the same way they do in Wrath Classic. Hunters will continue to be able to summon 1 pet and will need to go to a Stablemaster to switch to a different one. We will update this Hunter functionality with the Cataclysm Classic expansion content launch (or sooner).

So, basically, Blizzard got rid of Call Stable Pet from Wrath, because we on Cata now. Also, Call Pet 1-4 is current broken, or won’t be added or fixed until later, so welcome to Era/TBC days of taking a step back from Wrath and having to go visit the lonely Stablemasters now. Sooo… not EXACTLY working the same way as in Wrath.

This takes away the ability we had in Wrath when we could select from our 5 pets while in the world.

Having to go back to a major city to change pets is a major bug.

typical lazy blizzard lol


They have intentionally left hunters unable to call other pets. Its in one of the pinned blue posts at the top of the forum.

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