Not receiving gold for sold auctions

what really? was a ticket?

Actually, you had a number of conversations with us, Kaoticc - and not one of them said that.

I edited the profanity out of your post, but I’ll not do it a second time, please don’t make it necessary for me to further enforce our forum code of conduct.

Keep an eye out here, as we get further news, we’ll relay it.


Orlyia, I had opened a ticket last night for lost gold. Should I cancel that ticket now since presumably there will be some global clean-up effort on this vs. having to deal with each account one-by-one? I don’t want to clog up the ticket system if the missing gold situation will be handled globally anyway!

You can if you like Madone, it is unlikely it will get answered prior to a resolution coming through anyway.

Is the resolution going to restore what was lost ? I have two sales incoming right now but if the fix is going to restore everything I won’t bother cancelling the remainder I have posted.

I actually haven’t spoken to you guys once and got automated responses. In the response i was told, i wouldn’t be getting my gold back, so yea. It says, i’m afraid we wont be able to restore or grant any gold or items from ANYONE affected. That seems fair though /shrug

Yes, in a ticket i was told i wouldnt get a refund or anyone affected by this

copy and paste the response you got - those people generally can’t restore items anyway. It remains to be seen if blizzard’s programming fix will though.


Game Master Rhikalos here following up on you. I appreciate you taking the time to seek me out, although I do wish it were under better circumstances that brought you here today. I understand that you’ve ran into a bit of trouble with some of your missing auctions and I’d love to help get this sorted out with you.

I have taken a look into any updates for you on this and so far it looks like our dev team is aware of some issues with the AH since the patch update. They are looking into the different issues, including what you were describing, and are trying to get them addressed as best as soon as possible:

With that said I recommend keeping an eye out on that forum thread for any updates as we get them, but that aside I’m afraid we won’t be able to be able to restore or grant any gold or items from anyone affected. I know that might be a bit disappointing to hear, but you will need to hold tight a bit longer while these bugs are getting tested and a hotfix is pushed.

I hope that in spite of this news that you understand our reasoning behind this, but if you do need any further assistance don’t hesitate to get back in touch with us. Have a good rest of your day and take care.


Ooooooof. Guess I’m not getting my lost gold or items back either. I can’t believe this. Well if they needed a way to reduce the global gold pool by a good chunk they’ve done so successfully.

we are talking about millions and millions of gold. This isn’t small. And the Ah is still broke. I lost 10k this morning from 100 potions.

Folks, that doesn’t say you won’t be restored, it says a GM can’t restore it.

GMs can’t normally address a true bug - at least not until the devs dive in and figure things out.


That is SCARY!!!


I agree with Orlyia. It’s likely just bad wording from a GM. We all should wait for further notice from actual game devs now that they are on the issue.


Posting to keep track. as far as details.

Items posted this morning. EST.
Noticed some items sold within a few minutes (standard waiting time shown in new AH window)
Logged off. Logged on a few hours later.
Nothing in Inbox, other items show sold in AH window
Waiting to see if they also do not arrive.

I do not have a list of what was sold, I also do not know at this point if items listed yesterday which sold are also missing.

I will be delisting everything until some sort of resolution occurs.

Many thanks and hopefully something is in the works to fix soon.

I posted as the wrong character. Please when helping use this “MageCrimson” Sorry for the confusion


This is how I feel, however I dug a bit deeper and have noticed a few items that for sure I haven’t gotten gold on, just no way to prove to Bliz. Don’t know how many thousands of gold I have lost since patch as I too was thinking that I wasn’t getting sales. Didn’t see them show up in chat like usual (which I see is a known issue now) and today realized I was restocking items from my guild bank often to auction house and yet somehow haven’t been collecting gold.

No news?!


I can’t say that I blame him for being irate with this response. You would think a GM would differentiate WE: Blizzard from WE: GMs.

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