Nordrassil <Civitas> Join us for Season 2 UK/USA. Sat 2 - 4:30 pm (EST). 'Home For Imperfectly Perfect'

Join our smaller Cross-faction family sanctuary. Guildies first, gamers second, our guild family hails mostly from USA and Canada. Led by a married couple (40-50+ yrs) UK based: one ADHD & one AuDHD. We provide an inclusive safe space based on civility, kindness, mutual support, fun and friendship. Also LGBTQIA+ friendly. We consist of 102 unique players, most from North America. Many of our members struggle with various issues of their own, so compassion and forgiveness when people are unable to handle things goes a long way and is extended to us all. Casual swearing can also be a trigger for many members of our guild family, so we ask all who are interested in us to do best to keep to PG-13 language level in our written and discord communications.

Update: Last mats run we had 8 guildies join in- Fabulous for both personal cloth and chitin needs for that quest mount :smiley: Also /salute all for donating some to the bank, those who chose to :smiley: Almost got 6/8 - Princess down to 3 percent. Excellent steady progression learning the dances together in H Nerubar :smiley:

We love Delves and GLS will always include guildies in all group content . We are happy to help folks learn from lower tiered delves up to 10s and try and progress together. We often also farm mats together for our professions and we love using our crafting to benefit our guild community. HEALERS we seek you first. Secondarily DPS. We also welcome all class and specs and encourage us all to play what we love. Elitist mindsets do not gel with us. Only join us if you want to be a Guildie first, Raider second.

We also are part of Civility community currently with 710 toons. I’m proud that we have grown organically and through the popularity of our events so recruitment is the sole responsibility of our GLs and First Officers. Expect an interview process because we take safeguarding our little haven very seriously!

With very lenient item level benchmarks, Delve, Raid, M+ KSM push for anyone who wants to try and learn through non-toxic camaraderie fueled runs. We aim for AOTC but refuse the sweatiness of it all and collaborate with other community and guilds of like-minded players :smiley:

Recruitment: Heals and DPS for Raid and Mythics+ but all welcome to apply. Recruiting for raiding to form a more regular roster

We are an end-game social casual Raid and Mythic dungeon guild that enjoys group content immensely, formed out of returning players. Still young, since we were created on June 14, 2021. We started raiding as a guild in April 2022. So we are now 2+ years old :smiley: For most of that time, many of us have achieved AOTC for our guildies with other community and guild friends when needed.

Our strong team of supportive officers who we are blessed with range in ages 40s to 60s. We are happy to teach us all to Fish rather than just provide the Fish- We aim to help those who want to improve play and have led many to achieve KSM and raid for the first time. Every wipe, we learn and improve.

If you are an entitled player who expect us to carry you though, you will not fit in. Our main rule is: Don’t be toxic because we will not tolerate you! We also aim to keep all chats PG 13 to not trigger our guildies and look out for the younger family of our members: we dislike the insults/swears seen in BGs.

We are the guild where real life comes first when it comes to everything Life can throw at us with kids, work, family and so on. If you are not empathetic to this, you will find it hard to fit in with us.

Many of us love legacy raids and achievements for old mounts, hunting toys, pets and everything in between including Island expeditions.

We also run Mythics + constantly and always happy to give all a chance to learn and group together.

Our weekly events (Eastern Standard Time US)

  • Saturdays (2:00 pm - 4:30 pm EST) Heroic Nerub’ar Raid

  • Sundays (1:30 pm - 3:00 pm EST) Materials Farming run (Fish, Cloth, Leather, Chitin, pollen, cooking and other reagents)

  • Delves, Mythic Dungeons, Remix group play, Timewalking- Impromptu sessions

  • Also impromptu insomniac activities: GLs are UK timezone

Events often can go on for 3-4 hours and all events are drop in and out. :smiley:

If this sounds like a fit for you, please apply in game. :star_struck: We look forward to having you join our thriving family. :slight_smile: We are a US Nordrassil cross-faction guild and the allied realms of Khaz Modan, Azjol-nerub, Blackrock and Muradin. We also consist of a cross-realm community.

How to Apply:
To join us, apply in game (Tell us about you), friend Elvwyr (GM & Recruiting Officer), send an in game message or drop me a message here and I will get in touch. Include you Discord tag please.

To try and find the best fit, we normally conduct an interview and arrange to run with our applicant. If interested but on other realm, feel free to request to join our community.

Come check us out:

Elvwyr (GM and recruiting officer) Elvwyr-Nordrassil (Discord and Main Toon).



We voice most days also in Discord and In-game voice for full effect ; ) Some talk, some just listen - can be quite entertaining at times : )

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We also use good old-fashioned typing in guild chat for those people that are not so comfortable with either Discord or in-game voice chat :slight_smile:

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LGBT friendly, too!


Thanks all. We aim to give everyone who is not a jerk a sanctuary. Edited original post for better readability. :slight_smile:

Many thanks Alibra, Treebeard, Nikolaevna & Alatariel. All of you make the guild home and a sanctuary. Without any of you, our home and family would be incomplete. hugs and /salute.

I met this crowd when I was on a non-compatible server and liked the community so much I switch to Nordrassil so I could join the guild! It’s been a wonderful place to run with folks and to get to know nice [and witty and silly] players. I haven’t had this much fun with WoW since my first guild back in 2008!


Aw thanks so much, Sunnie. Thank you for you and quite a few community members who try us out and then decide to make a toon for our guild or transfer toons to us. We are soooo grateful that our guild has grown largely in these fantastic ways. This way we all play a big part in enhancing [Nordrassil] culture too.

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I can say nothing but good things about Civitas
I joined from a realm not connected to Nordrassil, and within a day or two of interacting with some of the guild members I could tell it was a delightful community of individuals, and made a character on Nordrassil.

I myself can proudly say once I joined they made me not only feel very welcomed in their community, but they also gave me the motivation to log on and play.

All of the lovely folks in Civitas are one in a million, I can’t remember the last time I met people so kind in WoW.


I applied on your site I hope to see you all soon!

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Hi Minghua,

Thank you for your application :slight_smile: on our website. I’m trying to get a hold of you and will shoot you an email so I can talk to you more about our guild and try and grab you to run with you soon.

@ Undead too: Thank you for such kind words, Undead. We love having you with us. Lovely kinds folks attract similar lovely kind folks.

@ everyone; We are honoured and blessed that you all choose to make your home with us :smiley: Thank you all of ya ;D

Our sister guild, yay goooo Alliance family :smiley:


Hi Minghua,

I still cannot get a hold of you. Please check your email which you used to apply to our guild website and I look forward to chatting with you.



A real sanctuary for folks who are people warts and all- including some with chronic illness, and leaders with ADHD and Autism :slight_smile: Just don’t be a jerk. They don’t tolerate that.


We are so grateful that more community members want to bring more toons over to join our no pressure family :slight_smile:

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Such kind and warm comments from you all. Let me say that you are a wonderful group of people, real friends, and you make WoW fun again, all of you. Civitas, you rock! (and so does Civility Horde Style!) :slight_smile:

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We have helped many find homes here given our own unique challenges ourselves as the leaders. Come join our inclusive home. If you’re not a jerk, are lovely and kind, we want you :slight_smile:

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Arrrrr me hearties! tis a great bunch of folks in this guild. I know many of them well :smiley:

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Warmest welcome to quite a few new folks into our realms who after some time in our community happily transferred to our realm. Thank you all for making this the best sanctuary we have all found in our many combined years of Wowing. /salute Civitas and Civility community as well- on both factions.

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For those of you who are interested in this guild but are not enamoured of the, ahem… blue lot, shall we say, we have a sister guild and community, Civility Horde Style, with much of the same player base, most of the same officers, and the same leaders. So if you prefer the colour red, there is a place for you as well! And let’s face it, we all know the Horde are just better :slight_smile: