Longtime off and on returning player looking for a guild/community

Hi there Cobrox, you might like who we are and what we stand for. Most of us are at least 40 years and older. We love the game but will always put life and family over it. We do everything from fishing for feasts and fun, crafting, all collections. Totally non toxic, we provide a sanctuary for older folks and many of us have special and diverse needs. Hence we are patient, kind and enjoy teaching and learning together with good spirit , laughter and camaraderie. We want folks to enjoy playing what they want to play. Between us all leadership and guildies alike, we hold vast crafting experience and love crafting for our guildies. We prefer to teach us all to fish rather than just provide the fish. Reach out to me one of the co-GLs in in game mail and friendship if you like - Elvwyr-Nordrassil and check out our full recruitment blurb if you wish:

Hope you find a fantastic guild home/community home even if our write up isn’t of any interest. We provide both and also love raiding and M+. Currently those of us who enjoy raiding have completed normal raid and are working through H 5/8 Nerub’ar. But most proud we are of achieving 25k fish fished from pools for our latest guild achievement. Take care and happy Wowing :smiley:


Elvwyr (Co-GL of Civitas Guild US Nordrassil) BVWacccckk as a moonkin druid :smiley: