No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

It just makes people lose interest. For some time people complain, then, if no adjustment are made, people quit. Where will it take the game - idk.

Depends on how you look at the details. When the “war” stuff was over? 8.2.5 iirc. When was it added? 9.0.2 So, at the time the war story was “over” people had no idea what was going on.

Post knowledge is nice and all, but keeping in mind the perspective of the players during 8.2.5 is equally important to evaluate the thing and consider it’s worth.

No matter how frequently it is mentioned during 9.0, it was not available in any shape (neither was the Q&A) or form during the war campaign.

gl hf

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I mean, all you did here was not making the difference between a win and a cinematic.

You keep doing mental gymnastic such as ‘’ the cinematic isn’t a feel good moment because the win wasn’t a feel good moment!!!’’.

I kept saying that only the cinematic was satisfying and you keep responding that the win isn’t!!! YOU AREN’T EVEN TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING!!!

Just how silly this look:

That is just ridiculous. I really feel like talking to a wall

A win against whom?

which one?

Are you real??? If you followed the conversation you would know.

But here is the problem, you never actually followed the converstation.

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No I followed the conversation fine.
I just need you to specify what you are talking about now because it seems to switch every 10 minutes when talking to you.

First its terror of darkshore then its about tyrande killing nathanos as a feel good moment but it seems we are only talking about ONE cinematic.
So yeah we are going to need to know what you are talking about now.
Because it seems everytime you get backed into a corner you switch.


OF course you keep switching it!!!

It was actually both. Then the conversation focus on the cinematic and YOU brought back Tyrande killing Nathanos.

I mean your only argument is that i said something that i didn’t said…

You want to win? OK so quote me where did i ever said that the warfront WIN was a satisfying one. Not the hd cinematic. The actual battle.

I thought we were talking about ONE cinematic. which one?

What win are you referencing?

That was so poorly handled it did the opposite of make people feel good. It was frankly, a mockery. Intent is one thing. Execution a whole nother.

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The original post was about both. Then the discution continue about the terror of darkshore one. Finally, YOU bring the Tyrande killing Nathanos back.

Don’t know you said that a was backed into a corner. Since your only argument is about me saying that i consider the darkshore win as satisfying you have to actually prove that i said that.

Really? If you were talking about the ‘‘win’’ cinematic that we had at the last second then i would 100% agree. That was just a awefull last second cinematic but the Terror of Darkshore one was by far one of the best of the expansion and i actually remember few night elf player liking it.

No you said one cinematic. Just say which one was the feel good moment.
You can’t name two.

So you are referencing the interview answer regarding the canonical win of Dakrshore as canon?
Yes its canon according to Blizzard but idk how much stock I give those interviews. They change often and they called Siege of Lordaeron as a loss for Alliance guess thats canon too…

Yes, it was a good cinematic that brought hope to players. Hope that was swiftly disintigrated when 8.1 dropped, and it never really recovered.

Giving people hope only to destroy it is worse than remaining at rock bottom. So yea, 8.1 was frankly an insult.


So you haven’t follow the discussion right?

Are you changing the subject again? I am still waiting

Don’t the cinematic happen after the questline?

No, it’s before. It dropped before 8.1, with promises of Tyrande and Malfurion being badass. Guess how that turned out.


No I have, I just find it surprising you refuse to name it.

The subject hasn’t changed.

yeah i just checked. It is kind of confusing since the cinematic appear in game after the questline but was reveal outside the game one month before.

But i don’t know. I still find the cinematic being cool even with it. As much as i still think that the Sylvanas part in the expansion cinematic is still badass even if i hate what happen since.

And you still have do this:

I already did way back.

this is the win part.

this is the satisfying part that you insist did happen.

To me, it’s nothing more than a false promise, Nothing in that trailer is reflected in game. And a false promise is the worst thing one can be given when they are desperate for something.

Context is everything. And within the context of bfa, that trailer is more of a mockery than a celebration.