No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

Seem like you have comprehension problem.

The satisfying moment is still the terror cinematic and Tyrande killing Nathanos. The point was that night elf not beating the horde would make the cinematic not satisfying and that nathanos rejoining Sylvanas would make the second cinematic not satisfying.

Both those moment didn’t happen so those two cinematic are feel good moment. I never said that the warfront win itself was satisfying. In fact i mention many time that it wasn’t.

Which part of this cinematic is supposed to be satisfying?

Which part of this moment is satisfying?

You seem to know what constitutes what is or isn’t satisfying. Can you be specific at which part the satisfaction is supposed to begin?

What is the feel good part?

You did say it is a win though.
Which part of it is the win part? Immediately after the quest or the interview Q&A?

I mean it is reflect a bit in game, just not enough. I get what you would have hope for but seeing how thing are for every race that aren’t human and orc, and that cinematic is nearly the best that every other race can hope for.

How you feel about this cinematic is probably what most horde player feel about Vol’jin at the end of SoO, about Sylvanas in legion and bfa introduction and a bit why many horde player aren’t please by those 4 cgi cinematic wasted on a dead character. Because all of those don’t look retroactively good.

As for the Terror cinematic it self, i think it was pretty great. The problem might be the lack of cool moment following it.

How, exactly? In the trailer, Malfurion effortlessly massacres an entire convoy of Horde soldiers. In game, he struggled to beat back a corpse with a bow, when backing up Tyrande. Both of those characters independently would have squashed Nathanos like a rotten insect, yet both of them are required to beat him back. and that’s after he suceeds with his goal of raising Sira and Delaryn. How in all the hells and heavens is that supposed to be “satisfying” or a “feel good moment”? It was pure trash.


So then you admit that it’s not satisfying? Since both Nathanos and even Ion stated that he will be back? And how realistically do you think will Nathanos not reappear when even Sylvanas herself gets a pass?

One thing that I don’t think has been said about the Terror of Darkshore cinematic is that it’s very clearly a “GET HYPED” cinematic. Night Elf characters collectively get one line in the entire thing, and it underlines the expected point:

“Tell her: we are coming”

He also tells this to a troll, which is important because the faction war is what makes this important. The faction war is what makes this hurt way more. So we have set up a clear expectation - there are going to be more moments like this by the Night Elves against the Horde in the future - which of course are needed because the Horde has gotten moments like that against us for years.

Aaaaand, as discussed already, those don’t materialize.

Guess we aren’t coming.


Blizzard building hype for something and then failing to deliver are not a Night Elf player only issue.

In a way its not something necessary in their business model.
Build hype and give hope enough for people to keep their sub going to find out what happens. When the finale arrives they have no incentive to resolve it satisfactorily, they just have to hype you with the next tease to keep you hopeful enough to keep the sub going to find out what happens next.

Every finale is just the prelude to the next hype because $$$.

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I’m aware.

Yeah, Terror of Darkshore is a pretty Horde biased cinematic tbqh

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“we are coming”

night elves show up

kyalin: WTF??? NO PAY OFF!!!


show up to do what?


take back darkshore

or did you stop watching after malfurion said we are coming

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Just take back darkshore? Can you give me the time stamp on when Malfurtion says that?

“Tell her that we are going to take back less than half of the territory that we lost and then stop.”


Why do you take his responses seriously? Why do you think there is any genuine thought or good faith argument from Mor? He is a troll who gets pleasure from baiting nerds on wow forums on Sunday night.

I’d hardly characterize the above post as taking him seriously.

Then what is it? A joke?

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Terror of Darkshore started off promising but having Nathanos pull an “ENOUGH!” right at the end kinda soured the whole thing, specially since we never even found out the results of the whole affair until the book came out later (and iirc even there it wasnt 100% clear)

Its not like Nelves dont get content, they totally do, the problem is that it kinda lands flat or comes too late to actually land the emotional beats its aiming for.

Like when Tyrande kills Nathanos in that trailer i didnt really care anymore and he still went “aha all according to keikaku” so why even bother


I do make those now and then.

Ah hun