The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

What is factually wrong with what I posted?

He had left the Horde.
And as Tyrande was going to kill him he was giddy about it because he thought he was going to Sylvanas.

This is how pethatic you are. I am literally saying I don’t put much stock in what they say in interviews because BLIZZARD SAID THAT ALLIANCE LOST LORDAERON. jesus christ. holy christ…

Indeed. And people can go back and check the actual context of what I said.
Without your messed up biased view of me.
Because when I said the same people claim Darkshore was a Win for the Night Elves I will say that WoT was a win for Horde.
Is anyone happy about it? Feel good about it? Fistbump in the air? No? Ok then. Point made.

Now that everyone can actually see what I said and its context this post of yours appears as unhinged as it is. If I was still conversing with Alynsa this is what I would be pinging them with regarding the toxic behavior of this community coversation we had last week.

Instead of coming together as fans and a community we get into petty fights like this. Taking things out of context and doing… this…
It is honestly sad.
Anyway I am done wasting my saturday morning on you. I would typically say good day but… no. bye now :slight_smile:

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