The "Renewal" for the Night Elves

I just retrieve some of them:

That was a respond for why it was a good cinematic.

And here are other claim from you a Ethriel.

That is also you claiming that Lordaeron battle was a win for the horde…

just because you hide your history doesn’t mean that it is erased from the forum…

Here we can see you and Ethriel claiming that the cinematic isn’t satisfying because Nathanos is going where he wanted… Which ins’t true since the place he wanted to be was with Sylvanas, not in the maw alone being tortured.

And there is also you trying to claim that Darshore isn’t really won by the alliance.

And on the top of that is you trying to make the claim that losing undercity was a win for the horde and worst, you called silly someone who didn’t think that…

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