No Justice for the Kaldorei (9.1 Spoilers)

No it hasn’t, but I’d still like to ask you for a source.

Yes, it did. There’s nothing suggesting that both sides of the warfronts can’t be canon. Even if the Alliance version happened last.

Well, I bet you can prove that then?

Q: Who won in Stromgarde and Darkshore war fronts, lorewise?
A: Canonically, the Alliance wins in both. Key old alliance locations, felt right for the story.

Battle for Darkshore

Main article: Battle for Darkshore

During the Fourth War, following the Burning of Teldrassil, Darkshore became a warfront, with Elune’s power covering the entire region in perpetual darkness under a lunar eclipse, and further empowering Tyrande Whisperwind and her people.

Although the rest of the Alliance was unable to directly assist them, the night elves and their worgen allies launched a naval and land attack upon the Forsaken as they fought over the region. The old Highborne settlement of Bashal’Aran is established as their de-facto regional base of operations and capital, the Blight is used as a weapon by the Forsaken to cover much of the occupied lands towards the shoreline, and outposts such as the Ruins of Auberdine are apparently destroyed and rebuilt throughout the course of the conflict.

The battle ultimately ended in the Alliance’s favor, with the forces of the Army of the Black Moon decimating the Forsaken and goblin troops, leaving Bashal’Aran and Darkshore itself in Alliance hands once again.[12][2]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

Main article: Battle for Stromgarde

The western region of Arathi Highlands becomes a warfront between the Alliance and Horde as they fight over Stromgarde. The Horde built a new base, Ar’gorok, north of Stromgarde at the former location of Northfold Manor. Meanwhile, the Alliance renovated Stromgarde Keep to serve as their base of operations.

The battle ultimately ended in the Alliance’s favor, with Stromgarde victorious,[14] thanks to the leadership qualities of Muradin Bronzebeard, Danath Trollbane, Turalyon, and the tenacity of all the soldiers who fought. This victory apparently left the Horde stronghold of Ar’gorok in ruins, and the various settlements of the kingdom in the hands of the Alliance once more.

Following the Alliance victory, the soldiers returned home, leaving only a few behind as a precaution.[5] When Mathias Shaw presented himself to Stromgarde during his mission for King Anduin Wrynn, Danath blessed him to inspect the Sanctum and the Crypt.[15]

After the Fourth War, Danath’s outriders spotted an armed and cloaked woman traveling with a group of Horde refugees throughout the Arathi Highlands, and the new King of Stromgarde subsequently informed his old friend Alleria Windrunner, as she and Turalyon were riding through the region searching for the whereabouts of her sister Sylvanas Windrunner.[16]

Both description describe the alliance only version of the warfront and both the horde ‘‘counter attack’’ aren’t mentioned at all.

That’s…what happened, and that’s why blizzard had to clarify it via query…how the warfronts turned out…yes? Interesting logic :wink:


The same people that claim Darkshore was a satisfying win for the Alliance should also agree that WoT/Teldrassil burning was an epic and satisfying win for the Horde.

If they don’t then they are a massive hypocrite.


I fail to see how this excludes the Horde version from also being canon.

Auberdine being destroyed and rebuilt repeatedly would actually suggest that it is canon.

Well maybe you can help me find where did i said that the win itself was a satisfying one?

What i did said was that the hd cinematic was a feel good moment. Maybe not the best one but clearly on the same level or better that ‘‘most of the other race’’ feel good moment as someone claimed.

As for the victory itself, i never claim that it was a satisfying one but only that it is a victory point. I also said:

The hypocrisy is two claimed that the hd cinematic wasn’t a feel good moment BECAUSE of a lost that never happened. The night elf won it point. Was it enough? No since they had it before and they also lost other zone but it was still a win and as far as the cinematic goes, it was a good one for the night elf.

Aside of the fact that it ins’t even part of the story?

Uh the story isn’t very specific. It could very well talk about both sides of the warfront.


To have a feel good moment it implies you had a degree of satisfaction.



OK let me help you here:

Did you notice that on one quote i was talking about the WIN, which mean the whole battle and on the other one i was talking about the CINEMATIC which is as Ethriel said, not the win:

The cinematic can still be satisfying without the win being ‘‘satisfying’’.

Which is the reason why i did mention the sylvanas part in the BFa expansion cinematic as a ‘‘feel good’’ moment for the forsaken even if i do consider the expansion being awefull for the forsaken.

And as for my point, that even if the win ins’t satisfying, they still got the win which make the cinematic at least satisfying…

It was added in the Shadowlands pre-patch and the original comment about the alliance winning was indeed off screen (blizzcon Q&A iirc).

gl hf


But it wasn’t. And the entire aftermath of Teldrassil was an atrocity inflicted on the Night Elves and its playerbase.

Now we’re stuck with a near extinct race and a Darkshore that’s Horde controlled for 50% of the time in the game.
Nothing else. No Ashenvale, no Hyjal, no hope, nothing. Don’t tell me that the outcome of the Darkshore warfront was satisfying when we didn’t even get to properly defeat the Horde onscreen and atleast get our zones back.
We didn’t even get Darkshore fully back, only lore wise but ingame it’s just painful to look at.

Nathanos was not Horde when he died and he went where he wanted.
In the Terror of Darkshore the Alliance did not beat the Horde.

Here you claim the unsatisfying feeling is just on these forums.
If you are going to dictate that Darkshore is Satisfying then the burning was satisfying to the Horde.

You’re welcome.


Why does it matter if Nathanos was no longer horde when he died?

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Which is IN GAME as far as i am aware.

‘‘50% of the time in a phased scenario that i have to queued for’’. Meanwhile you can still talk to a npc and have it 100% of the time…

That is just 100% lie and you know it.

Oh please be real here. You guys keep whining all the year that you want to kill both of them even if they aren’t if the horde anymore. In fact you are still whining that you aren’t the one killing Sylvanas even if she still isn’t in the horde.

But when you finally kill one of them, all of sudden it doesn’t count because he isn’t with the horde. Just be honest and admit that all you want is to whine about it and you will continue to do it even if blizzard give you what you want as you are going to change your criteria to make it look like you didn’t get what you want…

Do you even follow the discussion or are you changing the topic every two word?

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Uh no, because I still haven’t heard of the Horde leaving Hyjal.

And I see no reason why they would

Because it give them a reason to claim that they never have anything. Kind of funny after seeing so many post about how they want Tyrande to kill Sylvanas to see that they wouldn’t be happy because she wouldn’t be in the horde.

Yup, but it’s IMO relelvant to point out how timing and context of things led the situation to where it is. Which is important.

gl hf

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But it doesn’t make it less of a win. Do it make it less satisfying, yes, as i said, only the hd cinematic was satisfying. But was it a ‘‘in game’’ victory? Yes it was. No matter how people doesn’t like it, the hd cinematic, the night elf warfront and that crappy cinematic all happened in game.

I always find it odd when people suggest that killing Nathanos when he wanted us to so he can get a free ride to the maw and Sylvanas is somehow a victory for the Night Elves.

Especially when Ion said that he’ll be back, and with Sylvanas getting a pass, he will get one too.

I’m not seeing it.

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Because he is talking about a win in the context of a faction war.
If he isn’t part of the Horde anymore who is Tyrande winning against?
Especially with lines like “Do it, send me to her, she is waiting for me” or other cringey lines?

And Horde keep complaining about epic wins that Blizzard gives them like WoT. See I can play this game too.

Here we go with the personal attacks because Lenatus has to actually argue his point of view.

I genuinely wonder if you do follow your own arguments because it seems the only consistent theme you have is “Don’t complain about your issues Night Elf fans”
No matter what it is. Every game has their corpo fandoms that think the company can do no wrong. Don’t worry your behavior is not in anyway unique.