Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

And I have responded to this too

It is not that I am refusing to acknowledge issues related to race in WoW. It is that my analysis of the problem does not entirely match yours. Apparently, that is enough for you to make an enemy out of me. It’s ridiculous. Sadly, that is how these issues are discussed these days. It is a moralizing game, people posturing like peacocks to impress their friends and peers with their shining, silver morality.

Once again, you are leaving out context, misrepresenting the position of your opponents, as a means of slandering them online. Which is sad because this is not even a popular medium. I suppose you are due 3-5 likes from the few people who have personal grudges against me. I hope that is enough to satisfy you for awhile.

I directly linked the entire thread and actively invited everyone to read. If that isn’t providing proper context, I don’t know what is.

People aren’t going to read the entire thread. They are going to read the little snipbit you posted, and you know that. Admittedly, you are sophisticated with your ability to slander people. You have been morally posturing and clout chasing for awhile, it would seem.

8 people have already clicked the link. People do click links. that’s why you so often omit them when arguing your counterpoints.

Morally posturing and clout chasing would be me tooting my own horn about how much more woke and ahead of the curve compared to everyone else on the forums I am by saying things like…

What I’m doing here is calling you out in your attempts to engage in moral posturing, clout chasing and virtue signaling.


And you assume they then went through and read the entire thread?

Nah, they read the linked post, not the thread. You know this. You are not fooling anyone.

Morality has nothing to do with it. I was just right. My sense of morality didn’t make these issues obvious to me, I recognized a pattern, formed a hypothesis about it, and that hypothesis happened to be true. That has more to do with my ability to recognize patterns and make rational assumptions from there, rather than it has anything to do with my moral character.

That is the difference between you and I. You need to go to all these lengths to make a statement about your moral superiority. I don’t.

Again, the thread shows otherwise. You played pretty much all your cards. All people have to do is read it.

All my cards lol.

I sense you are projecting.

It’s okay. I understand why you would want to be me.

Don’t wanna see Orgrimmar and Stormwind turn into New Yorks. These cities should remain thematic of their respective races


Gonna build a void elf city and make the night elves and forsaken pay for it

That’s true of the Arthas batch. The new Bolvar batch… not so much. that’s why they start at a lower competency and power level, they have to learn more of their stuff “on the job” as it were.

I thought the idea behind all WoW Death Knights is that they were specifically chosen to be Death Knights because they were already exceptional combatants in life. Especially given that post-raising, their training seems to largely consist of butchering civilians and poorly organized militia. Hardly the most effective training.

Skarm, all dressed up for a night in Orgimmar’s new theater district, sighs in disappointment and goes home instead


You have Telogrus. Don’t be greedy.

Arthas had higher standards than Bolvar.

Honestly I’d love for them to take the elven lore seriously for once and instead of systematically de-fanging every new elf race as they pop up have the various elven dignitaries actually make a legitimate effort to reunite the elven nations and stake their own claim on Azeroth. Especially with the kaldorei letting mages back into their ranks and the ancient elven capital Suramar resurfacing it defies logic that Suramar’s political ruling class would settle for being the Horde’s lackey rather than trying to reunify and rebuild their former empire.

The pump is primed right now for the Shaldorei to have their Rome moment and the most interesting thing Blizzard could do is make good on it and let the drama and intrigue flow. But because the game must have 2 factions and can only have 2 factions Blizzard won’t let that happen because it would suggest any of game’s nations had identities outside of their broader political factions.

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The game is fundamenttally Orcs VS Humans, Red Vs. Blue. That’s the package you signed up for. If they implemented the change you’d suggested the game would change to 80 percent Elf, 15 percent Horde, who’d do all of the raiding, and 5 percent Alliance.

How about:



Just give me my gilneas and y’all can have your tree houses

There are lots of undead Gilneans in the Forsaken now, and since the living Gilneans left Gilneas now rightfully belongs to them.

Sorry those are the rules


Eh, the Alliance will have Gilneas back soon.