Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Not ignoring it. I just see the base premise of your position problematic. Before I can address anything you’ve said, I first have to address the very fact that you are equivocating monstrous races (and in the case of LotR, Monstrous races designed to embody an idealistic evil, such as racism) with real life ethnic groups, while also parroting white supremist propaganda.

Not sure where this is coming from. I am a vocal feminist on the forums, and I have been called an SJW multiple times…

Hell, I am a Bi, non-binary, feminist. The hell you mean I refuse to acknowledge anything in WoW that could be construed as insensitive in relation to Sex and gender?

I have talked at length about Richard Knaack’s sexism multiple times… And I have been crucified for talking about sexism in the WoW community and Blizzard’s writing…

AND I have been beat up for talking about the Alliance glorifying Imperialism, and WoW as a whole incidentally sending a message of Racial generalization as a logical basis of judgment…

The hell are you on about?

Go ask Zerde, or Kat, or Faelia, or whoever Kaiylin’s mouth piece is. I forget her name… We have argued these issues several times.

Ew, I have never said “hon” in my entire life.