Why don't Tauren join the Alliance?

Akiyass intentionally omits posts to rob them of their context while delivering equally short rapid fire posts that don’t actually say anything, but serve to bury the original posts so other people can’t read them and learn anything.

They also famously refuse to acknowledge anything in WoW that could be construed as insensitive without some kind of ulterior motive. Not just in regards to race/ethnicity, but also sex, gender, orientation, etc. Largely because they believe claims of systemic discrimination in real life to be generally overblown and find it offensive to even suggest that it’s anyone’s responsibility to address it.

Edit: They will of course argue otherwise. Possibly even including a “lol” or a “hon” or something in an attempt to be condescending and elicit an emotional response. However, given how often they post on these forums, I simply invite everyone to observe their post history and judge for themselves.