Night Elves and Forsaken don't need new cities

It won’t because blizzard only plays with its established toys

That’s the problem of the current writers

So if I want an important, lore-relevant figure that is Black/Asian/etc phenotype, either the entire Blizzard writing team and the game development philosophy changes, or they retcon some major characters (as they’ve already done with Natalie Seline).

I just don’t care about controversy.

Even with new characters being made relevant there will be controversy.

It’s meaningless. Just momentarily delaying the storm you’ll still have to weather.


This is just plain wrong. Sure they prefer some of their established “toys” but even then they do organically create new characters all the time that take the spotlight from the old.

As an example Yrel was a nobody in WoD, now she is pretty much the poster child of draenei paladins everywhere. In fact, with all the deaths that keep happening to the paladins class it is not actually dominated by female characters(Turaylon is basically one of the last living paladins that has a large amount of lore)

Or its more like you preparing to weather the storms. Well developed characters generally tend to make certain critics look foolish in hindsight.

? Yrel who was introduced in WoD, abandoned narratively for many years, returned for the Mag’har questline in BFA, and then once again abandoned narratively?

She’s your shining example of “organic new character that takes the spotlight”?



Do you think her story is over? Again, we have see what Blizzard can do with characters that go “missing” for years(Varian and Alleria/Turaylon) if anything Yrel will end up relevant again someday. Heck, the fact is people know who Yrel is and people do talk about what they think she will end up doing in the future.

As a side note, Yrel is popular enough to be used in Hearthstone as a paid skin.

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As I recall it even in Malfurion book she actually regrets freeing him. Lets not forgets, his reckless use of magic could have caused a Second Sundering had they not stopped him in time.

She could have “corrected” herself earlier and listen to Malfurion instead of having to stubornly wait until it became a final battle for all of life.

Except we were told he was discussing the “price of peace” at length with Tyrande, his decision regarding sparing the Horde was something he thought about a long time(Anduin council only being a part of it). As for the events in Lordearon, yes Anduin was being slightly reckless, that was kinda the point. He wanted to end Sylvanas’ war as quickly as possibly and he probably took an unnecessary risk confronting Sylvanas(which she managed to escape) . He even tells you himself it was a trap.

She later regrets freeing lllidan.

More like she just didn’t have an enemy to deal with and was forced to be patient but not actually learning the value.

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As a villain we loot things off of probably…

Azerite = bozo-beams.
Anduin was stupid, no slightly involved. (The best read of it: They wanted a city fight, and they made it up without caring at all.)

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Maybe, maybe not. For now Yrel motives are vague enough she might end up having a good reason for what she did. Heck, they could always just pull another “we are free” moment(worked for AU Grom)

The only think I am saying that Anduin did that was reckless was trying to go and confront Sylvanas in the throne. For the most part I agreed with the Siege of Lordearon, it was the quickest way to end a war if the managed to have killed/captured Sylvanas.

“Convert or die” isn’t vague. Nor is it freedom.

They might ignore AU Draenor for the rest of the game.

They might blow up AU Draenor to show how the Light is just as bad in its crusade.

Genius! Base your entire strategic plan on a single thing the enemy can deny you easily! (And which is not a resolution.)

Both Sylvanas and Anduin were shown “strategies” by Azerite. They all stunk.


That’s not what people were saying from Cataclysm through to Shadowlands when the Forsaken were doing it


They said, “Take it, die or go wherever you want.” Right?

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“go wherever you want where we will then kill you for specious reasons”

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It seems there is freedom of choice.

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Yeah you’re free to choose to do what the Horde says.

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Do you mean that “kill you for a worthy cause” is not specific enough because a worthy cause varies greatly?

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All the diversity is over on the Horde. If you want white european culture you play alliance. If you want something exotic and minority coded you play Horde. It really is that easy.

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For the record, I never did. I always agreed with you in regards to the use of sexist tropes and narratives in Blizzard’s writing.

And it was one of the few things we could agree on, because while you could acknowledge sexist tendencies in Blizzard’s writing, you went to ridiculously great lengths to deny/downplay/justify the racist tropes and narratives they made use of. All based on the idea that Blizzard can’t write racist stuff because that would mean they’re racist.

And lo and behold, Blizzard’s discrimination extends beyond sexism and also included racism. Non-white women were called out as being especially affected by Blizzard’s discrimination.

Rather than tut tutting everyone about how you were right, I think this is an opportunity for you to realize you too were also wrong and gain a little bit of empathy.

Because many people have a tendency to laugh at the idea that systemic discrimination ever has any real impact on anything, much less the stories we tell. Attempts to point it out often get written off as people trying to unjustly “politicize” everything, or “virtue signaling”, or “taking a video game too seriously” and “putting more thought into things than Blizzard did”.


That wasn’t my position at all. I explained to you my stance to the point of nauseum, and each time it was ignored or twisted into something else by you.

So, I will continue to tut as I please.

Tut tut.

Then you haven’t learned anything.

Welp, I suppose that makes two of us, lol.

“They will of course argue otherwise. Possibly even including a “lol” or a “hon” or something in an attempt to be condescending and elicit an emotional response. However, given how often they post on these forums, I simply invite everyone to observe their post history and judge for themselves.”

I learned how you operate quite a while ago.