Night Elf Mega Thread - Please Stop Blizzard

A hard time or two is fine, but they can enhance the story, vs a series of huge miserable failures too.

I don’t want people to misunderstand all NE players that we have a victim complex either. They have a grand story to be told for the future, if only done correctly. I predict that the heritage armor quest line will have the night elf player work with tyrande to make the night warrior have an on/off switch.

I like your armor

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You don’t even have the respect to post on a night elf toon.

You don’t have to play a night elf to see how the race was massacred


My mains are a NE druid and a NE hunter. But since Blizzard is ignoring not only Night Elf characters/lore, but also Night Elf players/customers, I figured I would post on a human, the only alliance race they seem willing to touch.

Adding another interesting thread about Tyrande:

Tyrande is coming to destroy you all including Alliance

I am not optimistic that they will give NE voices again, or real content or their land back. Even if they did write her as an antagonist (which she is not, and is completely justified in any rage or vengeance) , they would still have horde bias and will probably find another way to add fake powerups, which will not matter when their plot armored favorites “outwit” them (aka, writing team dumbs down any Alliance characters so Horde can look smart or strategic).


Why are you acting like the character you post on has ever mattered on these forums, even once. :roll_eyes:


I don’t want peace with the horde until we get our revenge, but im afraid they can make Tyrande a villain and kill her or Malfurion. Another thing that bothers me is that undead night elves. They could make a quest where we discover that a Val’kyr or Sylvanas was mind controling them, because don’t make sense that they died defending their people and when raised they decide to kill their people and join the person who murdered them and burnt their city.


I feel like the way they’re going is Tyrande becoming a villain and getting killed by a peon in a 1v1. Then this Peon will kill every remaining night elf in darkshore.

Also the undead night elves are probably going to be a horde allied race, just as another spit into our faces.


While I’m bummed out about how things have played for the NE’s, it really feels like we are on a watershed moment for them; like all that has happened in BfA is just the preamble to a BIG change, and it makes me a bit excited.

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I just like poking fun at RP’ers. I don’t really give two poops about what character someone plays.

Well it has been stated several times (and shown through open mocking of Alliance players at paid events) that the current team do not enjoy writing Alliance story lines or material, because they think it is “boring”. If anything, they will probably add something as a tack on because too many people call them out on the full length Saurfang movie they released. Anduin could have been swapped out by a murloc and it would still wouldn’t have made a difference (except maybe the murlocs reaction to the horde would be a bit more realistic than Anduin’s ).

It really makes no sense that such a large company can ignore 40% of its revenue source in favor of the remaining 60%. And even Horde are getting sick of being hit with a villain bat, so the number of neglected customers is probably greater. If I had the opportunity to develop or write for such an amazing game with decades of history, I would learn Horde and Alliance lore, spells, etc. I wouldn’t show up to a live stream and only be able to name Horde spells and go “and whatever else the alliance use”. Not cool.

Additional threads from our lore focused brethren:

  • Discussing Future of Night Elves:

Dont worry night elves youll get your chance

  • Self explanatory:

Lol RIP Nelf Players


To be fair, its “boring” because unless they write the Alliance as perfect beings with no vices, people complain.

Just look at how the forums erupted over the “vulpera death squad” WQ. People got so offended that the Alliance MIGHT do something bad in a world quest that means nothing…that they pushed Blizzards hand to change it so that they didn’t do anything bad.

If you leave no room for vices, grey area, etc…then that will definitely make the story boring.

Its incredibly hard to write good story based on characters that are perfect beacons of truth with no character faults.

The fact this happened to the night elves, they aren’t getting an immediate revenge, getting over looked by their allies in the Alliance…for once…is setting up a possible interesting Alliance story line.

You complain that the Horde gets all the good story lines, but guess what? That comes with loss and certain characters being treated like garbage for periods of time. If you want the same focus, be prepared for the same treatment.


I don’t need some human to be offended for me.

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We don’t need the alliance and horde to trade spotlights and leaders like a revolving door. Horde needs stability, and the alliance needs a different story direction.

I’d like a challenge to the high king title/role within the alliance. The other races negatively effected by the Hordes aggression need to call Anduin out for completely cow towing to the horde, even if it’s the “new horde.” Btw Anduin can be the rightful heir to the kingdom SW but doesn’t need to inherently be the Overall commander of the alliance coalition.


Right. And the current Alliance story direction is “everyone is perfect, everyone gets along”.

That won’t happen without creating a rift within the Alliance. Which is exactly what the current Night Elf situation is doing. Yet people are complaining.

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If you are saying that the Night elves need to be vilified for this to happen then iam not sure what plot is demanding that to happen. Could be immense political pressure, demanding that the alliance needs a paradigm shift away from one central leader. I don’t have all the answers, but punishing a race who is seeking justice for the wrong done to them doesn’t sit right either.


Kaldorei had gotten what they should’ve, since they shunned, and exiled the Illidari. Payback is a. . .

While I say that my Thread about Night Elves may not be 100% the right way to fix them. I do however want them to return back to their Iconic Identity from Warcraft 3 while at the same time not abandoning much of their good peaceful side and abandoning their Allies such as the Alliance.

Again I doubt that will ever happen seeing the fact that there might be a Faction spilt up with Worgen and Night Elves being their own thing and the Alliance just left with Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Draenei, and High Elves or Void Elves seeing the fact that they are Blue Blood Elves.

However I do want the Night Elves to atleast fight back, reclaim not just their lands but also start invading horde lands like the Barrens and Azshara again. I mean if I played Horde the Border Wall between the Barrens and Ashenvale would probably be awesome if the Night Elves started to torn it down. Another thing about the Night Elves would be to have different eye colors than Dark Eyes. I mean Dark Eyes just seems kind of generic and Night Warrior Theme just doesn’t really fit the overall Night Elf Lore/Culture back in Warcraft 3 and Vanilla. Emerald Eyes like Malfurian would be Best Feature along with Blue Eyes seeing the Fact that Night Elf Highborne are in their society now.

Also I want the Glaives to be a weapon option other than Demon Hunters like Warriors, Rogues, and Hunters seeing the fact there’s Sentinals, Wardens, and Huntresses within the Night Elf Army. If I was Dev I would give the Glaive weapon options to Night Elf Rogues to make them more like Wardens than your regular normal elven rogue. Last I also would like the Warden Heritage Armor to be a thing. Yes some people would like the sexy iconic Archer Armor from Warcraft 3 but I just think Warden Armor is better seeing the fact it looks very Owl like and very Night Elfish like as well. If anything I would kill for the Night Elf Heritage Armor to be Warden along with Glaives. I mean I played as a Warden from Warcraft 3 and I would be happy to relive that fantasy again in WoW. Right now the fantasy isn’t happening with the way things are.

Ether way I just hope Night Elves get better treatment than what this Expansion did to them. I mean Classic, TBC, Wrath, Cata, Mists, and Legion did the Night Elves justice better than BFA. But that’s just me.

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When have you not heard Horde players complain? No matter what happens someone will be unhappy.

But I don’t think it matters, Alliance will be a joke of a faction soon. They already have Lightforged and Void Elves, and Humans with Gigantism. And soon they’ll have Mechagnomes and Lightforged Undead.

Their faction identity will reflect what they are to Blizzard, a trashpile of afterthoughts.


I hope we get a quest where we hunt down Blightcaller and hand him over to the night elves.

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