Dont worry night elves youll get your chance

You’ll get your chance when the alliance is infighting with night elves and you can choose to remain loyal to Tyrande or Anduin.

and then kill evil Tyrande in a boss fight.

Honestly. people now sort of understand how Orc and old horde identifying players felt when garrosh was suddenly “the bad guy”.

Unironically i liked Garrosh. The character wasn’t just a “bad guy”. He believed his cause was noble, even the bombing he did was vengeance for attacks the alliance did. But for some reason the horde members all suddenly saw him as bad for retaliating in a normal manner one does in times of war.

It seems the story has been for a while “If yOu kIlL yOuR EnEMies tHEy WiN!!”

Orc players didnt have a choice, Orc players didnt have a phased raid with different story phases.

I wonder how different garroshs story and SoO would have been if the technology and game play ideas were more up to date. Would SoO been “Battle for Orgrimmar”? with Nazgrim being the final boss?

I want a world where Garrosh, Sylvanas, Tyrande, vengeful Jaina and all the other peoples who think they have noble causes but are sort of terrible people can exist and fight among themselves in bloody conflict. It is WARcraft after all. and it is based on WARhammer which was based on these ideals.


Lol wow isn’t based on warhammer wow has always been a anti war story

It is. but warhammer is also an anti war story, it’s just told through irony. It goes over peoples heads though. Like Neon Genesis Evangelion or Full Metal Jacket, Metal Gear Soild, or pretty much any form of media. It goes over peoples heads and they only see the action and the characters noble ideas and think “this is cool!” “robots cool. war cool!”. But it’s telling us it’s bad and wrong with out telling us.

Even warhammer, 40k and fantasy is written to be over the top and ironic and represent the worse our human species has to offer. It again goes over a lot of people heads. But it is anything but pro war lol. ??

I think the main difference between Warhammer and Warcraft though is the tone. While Warhammer is more cynical and sardonic in its critique, Warcraft is more hopeful and earnest.


I think a lot of people, at this point, would be willing to sacrifice Tyrande if it meant the Night elves got some semblance of agency in their story.


But…you won’t get that. Look at the Sylvanas Loyalist story - it had exactly zero impact. You got some slightly different flavour text and, in the end, a couple of meaningless quests that change nothing. I don’t think it will give you what you want - if anything, the Sylvanas loyalists seem even more frustrated.


I mean in the sense that if Tyrande has to go evil for the Night elves to kill indiscriminately and not really have to face real consequences for their actions then it would be worth it for that.

Personally I don’t “want” anything out of this games story anymore.

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No consequences lol yeah the horde hasn’t had races gutted and culture destroyed for there kill everyone card

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I mean actual consequences. Not “consequences”

Yeah I don’t want nelven leaders killed and there culture uprooted speak for yourself just like most of the horde joined the horde cause of thrall most alliance joined the alliance cause it’s the good guy faction

What use are the leaders when they’re absolutely useless? Nelven leaders are too powerful and if anything they’re holding the race back. They’re too good to use, because we know they’d just wipe out any enemy that threatens them with their demigod powers. The rest of the race has to job to Horde just to protect Tyrande and Malfurion, and for what? They don’t even actually do anything.

Yeah like they did in bfa right lol

They just got done using Tyrande and Mafurion in the last expansion.

Tyrande is not evil if she just gets justice for her people against Anduin’s will.
She would be evil if she started going crazy and killing everyone on sight, no matter who they are.

There’s a difference and that’s why I want to side with Tyrande, to get atleast something back for the Night Elves. If they get nothing back, they have no future.


They could be absent from BFA and it would literally make no difference. If Malfurion died, it would make no difference. Tyrande’s Night Warrior makes no difference. It’s all hollow and meaningless.

That was close to 4 years ago now. And honestly? They didn’t have a huge impact there either.

When I said “they don’t do anything” you took it to mean that they’re never used. What I actually meant is they’re functionally useless.

A lot of Horde were fine with the bombing. The issue was his harsh ruling, including killing members of the Horde, that disliked his warmongering. Which was enhanced by his glorification of war and racism.

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Then they’ll have to fight me in a raid first before getting to her. If she dies well then I’m going down with her.

MMOs aren’t really the medium for branching stories IMO. Sure you ‘can’ work in small choices here and there but in a MMO I think it’s largely better to have everyone on the same page in a shared world, as opposed to a single player RPG where you can more freely give choices with real consequences. Especially something as drastic as ‘fight bad guy or join bad guy.’

Also I feel people are jumping the gun assuming Tyrande is destined to become a villain now.


I’m all for killing tree huggers but why stop at Tyrande? Why not add Malfurion to the list along with Shandris and the rest? Tie them all to a tree and set 'em on fire.

Garrosh did nothing wrong.