Tyrande is coming to destroy you all including Alliance

For making peace with Horde.

You guys are not prepare.

185 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit


I cannot say I blame her.


Our days are counted.

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Its time to exterminate the elves. :rage:


at this point she hates humans as much as forsakens

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Considering the Night Elves win/loss record, I’m not overly concerned.


as if, shel’’ probably be forgotten about until blizzard wants to do something with malfurion again


Oh boy let the hype begin.Please dont stuff this up blizzard.


Can it be next Sunday? We’re on a holiday in honor of Saurfang and after that we have to clean the mess the Alliance visitors will leave behind.

Actually, let’s make it Monday, so we are properly rested from the hangover.


I can’t see Tyrande doing much. Honestly at this point she should be rounding up the night elves and working on helping them rebuild somewhere - adding her into the fold of Azshara and Sylvanas AND n’Zoth plus a death character possibly would be all over the place.

Having her do a rambo revenge thing feels TOO forced.

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She is seeking for vengeance, Anduin already said he fear she have been consumed by that. Specially now that she have that strong dark power from Elune.

it wont be forced its meant to happen.

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its mite be how blizzard keeps pushing the alliance/horde becoming one faction to unite and kill her.

I remember that, I didn’t say she isn’t seeking vengeance. I think she shouldn’t or it should be her main priority. But they are hinting at, and forcing there to be more Tyrande revenge happening in the future which for me feels like logically she should be focusing on her people.

We don’t know or understand the effects of the power up she got so yeah, Anduin may be right or simply speaking from a place of peace where ‘‘anger’’ and all that stuff never amounted to anything good. so to speak.

And something CAN be indeed forced by the writers as they are in essence being the ones that mean for it to happen.

What matters is the current context of the situation. Putting her in the middle of something just for fan service and it feels out of place will feel forced. Ultimately there is a place and a time, and what I think should be a very good reason for her actions aside from anger corrupting her which is what I think Anduin is referring to also beside the elune stuff.

Good. Night Elves should have been their own savage and independent faction capable of standing up to both factions, like they were in WC3.


Well you’re in for a rude awakening because it seems like that’s where they’re taking her. Anduin says Tyrande hasn’t responded to any of his missives lately and that she might be completely consumed with vengeance. A few of the Night elf NPCs state that the Night Warrior is hunting Sylvanas. I don’t think Tyrande will offer any mercy to Horde. The whole point of the darkshore cinematic was to show that the NE are done with mercy.

The most pathetic thing though, is that because they are NE they will never actualize this vengeance. They’re all essentially useless so she will probably just fail spectacularly.

How am I in for a rude awakening when I know that is what they’ll do. She wants dibbs on Sylvanas and possibly one of few that can stand a chance against her.

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It began with the forging of the great rings: three were given to the Elves, immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.

Oh wait wrong story … I forgot that the elves in Warcraft are not present as wise at all …


Let her come! I’ll mount her head on one of the spires of Orgrimmar!

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Blizz forgets they have elves too often in the story. She’ll just have to stand there and scowl for now.