When Wrath Classic realm maintenance is finished today, you’ll find a new Fresh Start realm available in this region: Angerforge (PvP).
As with previous Fresh Start realms, only new characters can be created here. All transfers to and from Angerforge are disabled, level boosts may not be applied to characters on this realm, and Death Knights may not be created here until your character is leveled up.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve been highly focused on realm populations and making adjustments to promote the long-term success of all realms. We’re looking forward to seeing the Angerforge community join the story.
Curious how this helps NOW, and not when fresh realms opened up? How is it possible, that blizzard as a whole continues to have the same “you think you do, but you don’t” mentality about Classic? How is it possible to NOT foresee it’s popularity? Gimme a break…