Hi! So my parsing has been relatively abysmal, I’m definitely not in BiS but I feel i still pump out decent damage, usually in the top 5 dps but my parses still are 30 and below, while other classes in similar dps tiers are pulling 70-90 parses. I keep all my dots up at all times, snapshot my buffs, use all the right consumes and flasks, use meta and DE on cooldown and make sure i’m spamming shadowbolt and immediately switching to incinerate during my molten core procs and utilizing soul fire in execute phase. But am still getting 29-30’s on every fight. Is there something I’m not doing correctly? Or are some of the fights just hard on the average warlock due to the fact we have to move around a lot? I’m curious
As demo you compete against all other locks and affliction is just superior and will always be superior.
You won’t be parsing high as demo ever really unless you have BIS gear and get extremely lucky RNG on crits and stuff.
Affliction is already taking off and you will never catch up.
Demo is a raid buff spec. You are supposed to be stacked with gear to buff the raid. If you aren’t the token demo in your raid and there is another demo you should go affliction if you want to parse.
You are also competing against other demo locks who are being stacked with gear because they are the 1 demo lock in their raid.
Lock is just not going to be easy to parse on because there are so many tryhards playing lock. It takes a lot of effort.
Finally, you will have to be in a good guild with fast kill times. You won’t be parsing in a boomer guild.
Here is a top demo lock to look at to see what he is casting when, if you still want to try.
Its late so if i remember, ill try to help in the morning. Dont trust frost though. Dont trust an individual whos afraid of showing his parses, doesnt understand gearing for his main, and starts off with a literal lie.
Logs compare spec to spec. You wont ever be compared to an aff as demo, and demo is popping off rn as the fights are short enough to not allow your burst to rot off to sustained dps numbers.
Im not going to be helpful rn as my phones dying, but for the love of god and your parses, do not listen to frost.
Edit: Unlike frost i actually have logs. I have been webbed the last 3 weeks, last run was during lust as well. Hes just salty that people are calling him out on his bs.
Hes a rogue main too, so you can go with the rogue main whos afraid to show his parses and starts off with wrong info, or the rogue whos willing to learn demo more indepth to help a fellow parser parse better. Im going to sleep for now. Go to a few threads hes in and youll just see him get berated constantly. Hes a troll who lies every day.
A rogue who thinks he can play lock well too. Wow your ego is bigger than your capacity.
Don’t listen to Apathy. He blue parses on one of the easiest classes to play in the 4th lockout.
The only reason he even posted here is because I did because he is butthurt I got bis weapons in 1 NAX run while he is using pre-bis after 4 nax clears.
Do you really want to trust someone like Apathy when his guild won’t even give him decent gear?
Sounds sus.
There’s probably a reason he hasn’t been given the best gear (oof).
Warlock right now seems to be the class the sweaties gravitate towards. So parsing is more difficult if you or your guild aren’t a mega-sweaty yourself. I figured this out the hard way, though my parses are slowly improving, as I improve my rotation and my guild’s times improve. (smashed noth, anub and 3 drakes) Might try demo over affliction next week for that reason
Personally I tend to roll Destro but I do have a Demo off spec that I use from time to time and I can say Demo takes a lot more focus to peform with it than the other two specs do.
Are you starting meta in melee range? Just being in melee range when you pop it will help get the full duration on immolation aura. It also helps to macro DE into one of your filler buttons.
Your positioning matters a lot more because unlike Destro and Affliction you are lobbing relatively slow cast nukes and only have 2 instant casts (corruption/CoD) to keep up. You may even want to adjust how you life tap and avoid tapping during the times when you got all your buffs up unless its to keep your glyph and set bonus active. Make sure to have those buffs up going into execute phase and have enough mana available so you can just lob soulfires the whole time.
Don’t forget to weave in a shadowbolt for the ISB buff during Decimation if you don’t have anyone else applying it.
Demo has a lot of moving parts so I wouldn’t beat yourself up if it takes a few runs to get it down.
I would also like to reiterate what Apathy posted and don’t listen to frosst. Demo is better than Affliction and most certainly not a “raid buff spec” as they put it.
They are being stacked with gear right now so they are doing slightly better but the top parses are from affliction bro. You can see it on the same website you linked. If you want a course for how to learn how to use warcraft logs I can teach you.
You parse brains can’t even use the tool properly you are devoting all your time to doing well on.
Here you go sunny. This one is free:
Most of the top 20 are affliction
Hurr durr
I’m wondering if this is a TBC survival hunter situation where the support spec has a higher average than the pumper spec mostly because the support spec is in a situation where it gets all the gear first/tends to be in better guilds.
Coming from grey parsing Xzzy…LOL
We havent forgotten who’s alt you are.
Hurr durr you can’t even operate warcraft logs and expect people to take you seriously.
Hurr durrr.
17/20 top logs on patchwerk are affliction.
Hurr durr
“Demo locks will never parse high dur dur”
“Links top 100 parses with 1/3’rd being demo locks”
Xzzy btw
I said unless you are biss and get lucky.
The logs show that 17 / 20 top logs are affliction.
So 3 demo got lucky.
It is exactly as I said you brainlet.
Stop drooling on yourself and go to something useful.
Why are you posting some random rogues’ logs?
Did your brain check out completely?
You’re trying to hard brah. Numbers dont lie
I don’t play on that server you fool. LUL.
Hurr duur… I play lock and I don’t even know how my own class works.
The lock specs compete for a seperate set of parses.
No they don’t.
I don’t play on that server you fool. LUL.
Hurr duur… I play lock and I don’t even know how my own class works.
Xzzy meltdown number 7 this week
I don’t even play on sulfuras you clown.