GDKPs are ruining WOTLK

I can’t believe Asmongold said you’re trash at the game and you’re a loser.

That’s crazy.




Like a 50 yo basement dweller - the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons

“Loneliness and cheeseburgers (plus wow forum) are a dangerous mix.”

At least asmon understands how wcl works.
Unlike underpants gnome.

Just embrace it. It’s been a wild ride with Frosstfire’s shenanigans

There is a lot of gnomes, which is that?

Oops sorry not you.
That’d be Frossty with the underpants on head.

Here’s the thread where he displays his lack of understanding.

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Dang he really doesn’t know how parses work lmfao.

I think this is the only time I’ll ever agree with frosstfire on a topic. I do think it’s too far gone to do anything about this time though. I think if they redo vanilla and cycle the trilogy again after wrath I personally think banning gdkp from the start would be a great change.

4:18 AM · Jun 19, 2022, I mean its not even close to current lol

Another high-parsing mage here to tell you, you are a grey parser since you ignored the mr drinknblink. GDKPs are fine and don’t affect your gameplay in anyway Lil bro.

If recency of a statement affects the importance of the statement, then most of what they say about issues in WoW Classic should be re-iterated every month, instead of just once.

Point is though, one of the top people on WoW Classic says GDKPs are fine, so unfortunately for our little frost man, his complaints fall on deaf ears.

No one cares what mages think, especially you.

I only ignore the biggest idiots. The people who just spam the same nonsense over and over and who can’t reason or think. The lowest of the low. The dumbest of the dumb.

If you are on my ignore list you should re-examine your life choices because you are dumb enough to warrant me ignoring you.

this guy crying again.

if GDKP is stopping you from finding a group a) you have like 2k GS or b) your parses are terrible. Im pretty sure in your case you have both problems at the same time.

clearly you don’t have friends or even a guild, i thought NOT having RDF in wotlk would make you have tons of friends, ohhh, it was a lie, it was not real…

There’s a guild on grobb where the loot system for the guild runs is gdkp. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it should be banned.

GDKPs should be banned because GDKPs incentivize the buying (and farming) of gold and RMTs - which is against the Terms of Service.

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GDKPs should be banned - otherwise you are creating a scourge of bots, gold inflation and swipe-to-win cheaters that inevitably follow.

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Bumping zombie threads with a sock puppet is a violation of TOS. There are other threads already discussing this topic currently. Keep discussion on track.

Agreed 100%.

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Lmao. This is really getting to you. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You wrote on another post “I think the WOW token is a good addition…”

But the wow token only increases the GDKP issue you have an issue with.

I don’t see the problem here on westfall, GDKP’s barely exist. Maybe get off the mega server and play on westfall.

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