The Toxic Parse Culture is Ruining WOTLK

Who here is doing that? Im not saying it doesnt happen, but its like LC horror stories, you only notice the bad.

Getting gear and flexing has always been apart of wow. I was a wee lad when i started the game and i remember seeing double glaive 70s sitting in starting zones specifically to flex. That has always been apart of the game.

It just sounds like to me though youve just had bad experiences and lashing out. Ive had people hold parses over me. Ive had people talk down to me because i only had a leggo BPA. Is what it is, who cares.

Honestly, if logs didnt exist, and i couldnt see consistant betterment of myself every week, i wouldnt be playing. The game itself isnt interesting enough after 17 years.

Hello frost. Good to know you boosted an undead rogue.

Oh we can tell.

If you do that, youll parse like frosty, grey/green.

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Clearly what I’m about to type is anecdotal, but I think people see what they want to see. I haven’t been looking for “parse culture”, so I haven’t run into it. Maybe I’m just playing at the bottom end of the spectrum. But I haven’t had anyone complain about my healing either.

Parse chasing and loot chasing are basically the same thing. Parse chasing appeals to people who know how to get good parses, and loot chasing appeals to everyone else.

Then there’s like the 6 of you that play the game for fun but they obviously never post on the forums.

Just wanted to remind everyone about this while you are keeping this thread going…


Imagine if there was like an inverse political parse who can get the most loot with the worst most lazy toking on pull levels of performance and not get g kicked since everyone else in the guild is about as fun as talking to a wall now that’s a skill worth developing.

I can almost garauntee hes not young.

Im 25. Its only said ironically. People who use it in public like this are just emulating 2008 levels of 4chin “lel trolling”. That almost confirms hes 50+ and overweight.

Those badly drawn anti reddit drawings are memes still, but, theyre based on reality.

Frost is that reality.


I have a druid main friend, literally leveling his 4th druid rn, and he was telling me about cat rotation’s 17 steps and uses bear weaving and flower weaving and in other situations wrath weaving like bruh.

Cat mains are actually built different.

They do all that to mimic the middle of the meters. Actual mad lads.

yep and no name calling=ban

Healing parses are scuffed.

The better the raid does the lower the healers parse, and while dps work together to get faster kill times which helps the dps parse better, its less damage going out as well which lowers healers parses, and then healers may try to snipe heals and force others to overheal, which will just grief the raid and lower healers parses more.

So, tldr, healer parses dont matter. The logs for healers are only good to see if theyre doing their job correctly via casts, avoiding overhealing, etc. The parse itself is worthless for healers.

Just do whatever is fun to you. This is entertainment.

You can join a speed run guild.
You can join a boss kill speed guild.
You can join a parse guild.
You can join a GDKP guild.
You can join a pvp guild.
You don’t have to join a guild and you can still do everything.

Find people who are likeminded and like doing what you do.
Don’t be a garbage human being.


Healing parses also reward blowing all of your mana in favor of output. Healers should be trying their best to be efficient and smart with their heals…healing parses discourage this. And they also discourage dispelling/decursing/etc. because those things don’t count toward your parse.



I said it once before, I will say it again…

Parsing: “It is the new measuring stick 60% of players who THINK they are the top 1% of players use to see who is better.”

Parsing was setup to help the top 1-5% of guilds refine their teams and strats as they were competing for the top spots and World Firsts. But the masses heard about it and wanted to be cool and pretend they were top players, so they starting tracking their parses.

But the reality is, parsing has no real purpose for the majority of players and guilds. They will never be at the level of a top 1-5% guild. It is just a bragging stick at this point.

He’s a pure buyer for sure.

Dang he’s up to a 21.5 average now, he’s a pumper.

Judging by those logs… what a waste of gold

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There’s no real reason to care about parsing in a casual game, zero. That’s like saying Michael Jordan doesn’t matter when he’s been to more finals compared to others. It’s DUMB.

Again, it’s a problem. That smaller number isn’t even that drastic. That’s the problem. oh noes they aren’t playing this spec for the 1%-3% damage! GOD FORBID.

It’s way more than 3%

In fact blizzard has never balanced classes that close

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