Need help figuring out parsing (Demo Lock)


Actually, they do. Each spec is rated against that spec for percentile.


No they don’t. You are this clueless LUL.

Holy cow this just proves parses are the dumbest people on this forum and in WOW.

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Percentile is divided by spec my dude. Thats why each spec has a number next to in under “Parses”

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LOL you can’t even read the website you idolize. This is pure comedy.

You have no clue how it even works and are trying to tell me.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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So your green/grey are only against rogues of the same spec!

Not sure if that’s better or worse though.

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That isn’t me you fool. I don’t play on that server. Can you even tie your own shoes?

I play on Skyfury. I’ve said so many times.

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You were caught admitting that was you. We dont forget.

Yes they do. Do you not understand how warcraftlogs works?

How is it me when I play on Skyfury and only have 1 80?

yeah I do, you clearly don’t.

No, he doesnt.


Specs don’t have different parses brackets you guys can’t even read the data you idolize because you are clowns and can’t probably pass high school math.

All these warlocks dunking on this rogue. The universe does have a sense of humor it seems.


They can’t even read warcraft logs.

They think the statistics page proves them right when it has nothing to do with parses.


You can’t make this amount of idiocy up.

Parses are only amongst the same class and don’t apply between classes. The statistics page just shows bars for average dps at each percentile broken out by spec.

It has nothing to do with parses at all.

:joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Parses compare how well your performance was to the entire playerbase of that spec, whether they performed better than you or not. If you did 5k DPS on an encounter, 99 other players did more than 5k, but another 900 did less than 5k, your parse would be in the 90th percentile.

Youre a bad troll.


No it’s of your class. You are 100% wrong. You suck at this game and at comprehension.

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Bro, you dont think the class parses are divided by spec, you seem to think demo lock parses are affected by aff lock parses.

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Hahahaha is this april fools?

You can’t all be this dumb.

It is not spec, that is a typo in their FAQ. You clowns are fooled by a typo LULLULULULULU.