Naming and Shaming rule

if the mods already infract for it…does it really matter? or are you gonna be one of THOSE people that challenges authority because it isnt expicity written down. because im really getting that “ITS NOT IN THE RULES YOU CAN’T ACTION ME FOR IT!” vibe from this question.

We know why they wont lmao. I think OP’s friend is trolling them with this. Strong cartman vibes.

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Here IT is!


Even if it doesn’t break rules the forum mods still erase posts. All it takes is people mass flagging it then it goes in the trash can.

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not neccesarily. i’ve seen posts restored after being flagged.

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95% of the time its a 404 deletion. Kinda like what this thread is about to go into shortly.

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I’m not entirely sold about “his friend.” I’m 50/50 thinking they’re feeling out if they can post something about someone else for some reason

Let’s check blue posts, then…


what is “mass flagging”?

by my understanding of the word “mass”, it’s not possible to “mass flag” posts.
it doesn’t take a mass of reports to bury a post.
once a post is buried, it can’t be further flagged.

i guess the word “mass” probably has some newfangled meaning which i haven’t learned yet.


harassment is harassment, regardless of whether or not you personally believe it was justified.

Its gathering a mass of people and directing them to target a specific post to be flagged.

Eg - streamer with 100k followers all go and mass report a post.

this is not possible.


Id link you actual examples of it happening but that would fall under naming and shaming.


It takes about 3-5 reports to hide a post, then you cannot report it anymore. Not sure you are getting “Mass Reports” from.


Go find a hidden post and try to flag it.

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It falls under several criminal codes that are felonies for online bullying, stalking, and harassment. Not only will it get you banned from WoW but they will likely turn it over to federal prosecutors. Best to not name and shame.

it takes about 5 flags to hide a post.

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Continuing the discussion from How many reports does it take:

You could tell 100k players to all go and report within a 1 min window - the actual time before it becomes flagged in unknown - you can definatly have more than 5 flags on a post before it becomes hidden.

Orlyia said it best.

