Naming and Shaming rule

Ah yes. Witch hunts. The best of ideas.

Heed me, forumgoers, it is true that Joe Shmoe from the server Schmungus has slighted me. Please look out for him.

I would argue that watching someone one-sidedly ream someone for multiple posts in a row and calling them a jerk for it isn’t particularly harassment in the actual sense of the word, but it does technically fall under the description of the harassment policy Blizzard uses, so yes, in a letter of the law kinda of way, it is harassment as far as these forums are concerned.

It’s the sort of thing that you can’t fault them for because they’re technically right and I’m sure they don’t want to set a precedent of not enforcing their own rules, but most reasonable people would probably choose to either ignore it (as minor as it was - like ridiculously so) or remove the post with no account action (as they do fairly regularly, but seems to be at the total discretion of whoever is reviewing it at the time).

Anyway, massive tangent, this was years ago and I’m not arguing policy, just a minor annoyance that the post I was replying to reminded me of.

to be accurate, the thread you’re referencing and it’s OP doesn’t appear to be about what it takes to hide a post, but rather how many reports does it take to get actioned in-game:

Continuing the discussion from How many reports does it take:

but a pretty boss song, at least:


it only takes a single flag to get moderator attention.

it takes multiple flags to get buried.

(and as noted above, you’ve referenced a post about in-game penalties, which has nothing to do with the forum)


fbi has better things to do then read forum drama posts.


It means more then one person spams the report button. You know that flag shaped button people love hitting to delete other peoples posts.

Cause you know cause forum posts hurts peoples feelings and we can’t have that now can we?

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Interesting takeaway. Your feedback is noted.

I was in a discord that said that one of the rules was to follow all that discord’s rules but also all of WoW’s ToS rules as well, however people in that discord openly name and shame regularly and when I brought it up, the moderator I spoke to said they couldn’t find the naming and shaming rule, which I couldn’t either. I know it’s a rule, but I can’t find it actually specifically said anywhere - hence this thread.

I appreciate that you used this one.

Nope, I joined a discord that was being really toxic, I asked a mod if it was okay, the mod basically said “its not a WoW rule so it’s not a rule for this discord” (spoiler, its a WoW related discord)

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Except this cannot happen. It only takes between 3 and 5 flags to get a post hidden. That’s not a “mass flagging.” That’s “a few flagging.”

Or it’s because this exists:


Yeah well there was post’s on this forum that got deleted that didn’t break any rules or conduct so my point still stands that peoples posts hurts peoples feelings.

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Your point doesn’t stand. If flagged posts or threads were removed, it was because the moderators decided it was against the CoC. Players don’t decide what is sanctioned.

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I have posts removed pretty regularly. Sometimes they are walking that fine line and sometimes they aren’t. Even if they don’t break the ToS, if they are part of a thread that gets nuked from orbit, then they are simply erased from existence regardless of the contents or my intentions.


They do get to decide by flagging posts. That is why there is forum trolls ready to jump on a new thread to get it deleted. Cause they got nothing better to do then troll delete someone elses thread. They pretend it hurts there feelings and clicks on the report button. Then it gets 404’d in a couple hours.

Wrong. They can flag all they want. It doesn’t mean the post is deleted. Only moderators decide that. Many posts are restored.


He’s right, actually. I had several posts flagged about a year ago, I eventually got tired of it and appealed a few of them, ended up getting in a long back and forth with a GM who said that none of them should have ever been flagged because they broke no rules. I asked why they got flagged in the first place and his response was that it probably just wasn’t looked at carefully enough when it was flagged for moderation, to which I then asked - so it was auto flagged by players?

He gave a real non-answer answer and then the typical “can I help you with anything else” spiel.

I fully believe players flagging threads automatically action them, and streamers have proven that mass reporting in-game will get you immediately actioned in game as well. Within seconds much less minutes.


I believe also there is no human moderator I think they rigged the moderation to computer control to auto delete flagged posts.

He’s not correct. Moderators decide what is and is not sanctioned. Flags are only there to alert moderation. Appeals exist for the very reason you used it: in case mistakes are made.

But players DO NOT determine what is or is not deleted.

This is false.

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And this is also false.

How do you know? You don’t work at blizzard.

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Because I spend a lot of time on the Customer Support forum. Please do not spread misinformation.

I said I believed that the mods are AI i didn’t say they actually were. But I find it strange a lot of threads come and go like the wind. A lot of them dont break any rules of conduct I find that strange.

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