Seems like mythic Sire Denatrius is unplayable past a certain hour due to server lag. Players abilities such as earthen wall totem, living bomb and other AoE dot abilities are triggering delays in all players abilities during P1 of the encounter as there is much AoE going on, resulting in unfair difficulty. Please note this lag is on blizzard’s server end, not on people’s end.
Problem was happening mostly Wednesday and Thursday by 10 P.M. EST. My guild is doing progression on these two days each week from 8 to 11, but the lag seems to start to happen weirdly by 10 PM which seems to be about the time where PST guilds start raiding. So might be cause of server load at this very moment as more and more guild start their progression on mythic sire denatrius?
Is this a known issue? Can we expect a fix or more allowed resources to prevent lag?
There are a lot of servers on the Los Angeles data center, but there aren’t many posts about lag happening during those nights specifically, or because of Sire prog.
Are you all using the same collection of addons? Most raid-related lag recently in the forum has been tracked down to faulty boss mod data, bad weakauras, and related items.
The only thing we’re using is DBM, there is no weak auras for P1.
Specific times are triggering the lag as it gets worse and worse past 10 PM EST. It is very unlikely it would be on our end. I might post videos showing it happening if it happens again this week.
^ We’ve also done it with zero addons and with everyone in our raid standing still, the lag is definitely servers. I’m also quite close to it with 9ms and yep that nighthunter be hitting us in the air lol.
Just for your reference developers, on usual situation every Tranquility channeling cast should cast out evenly on each ticks (Total 5 ticks).
In the video above, the lag still allows us to move around the character but all spells does not show up or cast out, nothing I can do to kill the adds or heals the raid. This also delays the boss spell timing, makes 2 mechanics happens together. There is no time for healers to top up, then everyone flies up high in the sky… this is ridiculous lag and not enjoyable game experience.
We still have hope in this game, developers. Please do something about this hopeless lag issue, help us and help our game.
By disabling them in-game or actually renaming the addon folder? This is important because disabling does not fully prevent parts of the addon from loading.
I have run several Sire Denathrius kills on the LA server, and our group did not experience this lag/overlap in the air.
Evidence and logs were provided and it has happened to many people on the Oceanic servers. This is a problem that exists, hopefully you can stop downplaying the issue and contribute meaningfully.
I’m a volunteer on the forum, and I’m offering the insight I have available to me. If this was a widespread issue, the forum would be flooded with posts about it, but there are only a handful. This points to a local issue, not a server one.
While I appreciate your efforts to flag my post because you don’t agree with it, nothing I said is against the code of conduct. False flagging is not acceptable, so I recommend carefully considering intent before exercising that option next time.
Just a small collection of what can be easily googled on the internet. I agree is it a widespread issue? Probably not if you’re counting the entire playerbase but I’m willing to bet anyone who has cleared or is currently clearing M Sire Denathrius have/will/still experience this issue.
NA/EU/OCE it doesn’t matter it’s all been reported, dating to before said hotfixes and patches to after. The fact that Nighthunter can hit during or after blood price is proof in itself that it’s not a local issue.
I can offer insight into world peace but I don’t do it because hey I don’t know what I’m talking about.
I understand that you have and offering insights that are available to you, but we are also offering our share of insights and in-game experiences.
I read that you have run several Sire Denathrius kills on the LA server and your group did not experience this lag, but it does not necessarily mean that the issue lies with our choice of addons in which consequentially causing server lag.
We have been struggling with the “server lag” issue on the Mythic Sire boss fight since our guild’s progression.
Despite the existing issue on hand as a guild to kill Mythic Sire even though we are on farming status, we have tried the solution you have suggested, but to no avail.
We have been struggling with the perpetuating issue, and it does hamper the efficiency of our guild to kill the boss.
I believe there are other Oceanic guilds that are experiencing the same issue as us and there were moments that we coordinated with other guilds to take turns to pull Mythic Sire with hopes to mitigate the server lag issue.
I do understand that you and your group have not experienced such server lag and I hope that Blizzard Tech Support can hear us and the difficulties we have faced thus far.
I implore fellow Oceanic guilds to echo the same sentiments as us by responding to this thread. With that, I sincerely hope for Blizzard’s official response to this soon.
We have had P1 Mythic Sire lag issues on Frostmourne OCE.
It is a well known issues that existed during heroic progression. Limit Maximum spoke about it during his Stone Legion Generals Video.
Saying that it is a local issue or not common is frankly ridiculous. Mythic raiders on Sire Denathrius are very very small portion of the community so its not unexpected there wouldn’t be many posts on the issue.
Blizzard needs to address it and soon we are missing out on so many raid nights due to unbearable lag.
I understand this is a frustrating problem, and your sarcasm is noted, but I’m not sure why I’m getting such backlash when my only intent is to help. I’m comparing my experience because it’s taking place on the same server/datacenter the complaint is about. But we do need to stop comparing Thrall and Oceanic realms, because they’re not even hosted on the same continent and do not use the same routing peers/routes.
Using the default UI for testing is part of the base troubleshooting process Blizzard offers on the forum. This means no addons at all, and goes beyond unloading them in the game client. Since they are written by third parties, Blizzard has no control over their updates/ability to work with the game after each hotfix or patch, and is not responsible for troubleshooting issues arising with them or because of them.
There were some known issues, but they applied hotfixes and the problem did not persist for the majority of players.
While submitting data/logs here is sometimes helpful, I think it would get more traction in Bug Report. However, be aware that devs do not respond to threads there unless more info is needed from the post participants. In other words, it may look like a post there is ignored, but they have people monitoring for issues. It’s best to keep posts in that forum concise, with quick steps on how to recreate the problem and the additional logs (like the types shared in the thread).
I hope this info helps.
Direct communication with the staff is also available through the ticket system.
Doesn’t matter if servers are hosted on different continents, if its a problem it should be addressed and fixed. These could eventually turn into a bigger problem if not looked into down the road.
Doesn’t change the fact that it was tested without addons and there was still lag issues.
So you admit there is still a problem?
Why would something like this get more traction in Bug-report? Does blizzard not care about server stability or issues? This is a technical issue not bug issue.
Direct communication with staff isn’t available through the ticket system. That’s like telling Karen to fill out a form before coming into a store.
Definitely an issue for our guild, appreciate if devs can look into it. OP pretty much summed it up, happens during casts of certain spells and in particular when lots of adds spawn from soaking in P1.
Affected our race to world first challenge. Had to settle for 800+… =(
That does not make sense. They constantly monitor their server health for issues, nothing is going “fester” into a larger problem over time; we’re not talking about bread turning moldy.
I don’t have access to WoW’s server metrics, as I don’t work at Blizzard. I am basing this info on the tiny amount of reports like this one that have surfaced since those hotfixes happened.
Because technical support is monitored by the technical support staff, not developers. (I am confident you can find blue posts explaining this strewn across the forum.) This forum’s purpose is for troubleshooting issues that can be resolved by a player’s own actions on their computer or by working with their ISP. If this is actually a server issue, then you want to use Bug Report for visibility with developers. This isn’t a point to argue, it’s simply the information given to MVPs about the workflow of the forums.
Of course it is. All tickets are answered by Blizzard staff members.
Posting replies with the “fix it” sentiment in this thread is not the way forward. I’ve given you all the help I can to get your logs/info/requests seen by the right people, but I can’t force you to use those channels.
We wasted about 1-2 week prog because of this nuisance. Our solution was to cut back on number of people soaking. We can manage higher numbers, but the game goes completely out of sync.
eg Your up in the air and the charges coming up to the air (Does no damage).
It’s like the fight has specific times to do xyz, so when it skips a beat, it catches up.
Hopefully the next tier doesn’t include things like this, clearly the servers can’t manage/handle it.
FYI we also tried the full disable addons. Did nothing.
Yes Elo, we have tried your methods but its not working either. And please note that you state that this does not happen in “LA Server” but we are on “Oceanic server”.
Hence that’s why we are hypothesizing it is a server-related issue, rather than addons. Another way to confirm this is that, if it was really an addon issue, then all other people in other servers will experience this lag as well (i.e EU/Taiwan/US server players with addons will have this “lag” on sire P1).
I hope this would have helped you clarified, we’ll post the logs later if you need more details, thanks.