Mythic Sire Denathrius lag - OCE servers

Trying every avenue to see if we can get this in front of the eyes of someone that can make a difference. People have posted in Technical Support, Dungeons and Raids, and sent in-game tickets all with no result.

In the OCE servers we get lag that is much worse than other zones it seems. The night hunter mechanic is meant to be finished before the blood price starts to cast, but the lag is so intense that it goes off after blood price has resolved. Here are a couple of forum posts documenting, and a couple of short clips showing the effects it has on us. In short, we don’t even get a chance to properly work towards beating the final boss of something we have been looking forward to.

Please help look into OCE servers for all these existing issues that we’ve highlighted, thanks!

another wasted raid day for us, cant progress with this server lag.
Blizzard, can you acknowledge the problem? talk to us please