My 6-month request to return AH Brutosaur to vendor

I feel your pain. I nearly killed myself getting the gold together, and I don’t even care about the AH or vendor guy. I love long boi’s derpy face.

people would be much more likely to have success asking for a reskin of that without the ah vendor to be put in the game

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I have such extreme nostalgia for Scholomance and the Sunken Temple, I would love to experience them again.

Oh god, please no, Blizzard.

There are enough of them blocking mailboxes, entrances, ect as it is.

In fact, if you could have the ones already in the game shrink down to big cat size when inside cities and around the entrances of raids, I would really appreciate it. Same with the mammoths.

Thank you, me.

there are people who probably bought them for their size - blizzard could just put a zone around things but I am pretty sure you can just click right through those so it doesn’t matter if they are blocking mail boxes.

If it didn’t matter, it wouldn’t bother me and I wouldn’t have posted it as being an issue to me.

See: Please don’t stand on top of me - #32 by Silverleigh-drakthul

See: Reins of the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur to Vendor - #111 by Silverleigh-drakthul

Has it been seen on the BMAH since this post?

Mighty Caravan Brutosaur Black Market Auction House Bid Price Starts at 5 Million Gold in Shadowlands - Wowhead News

It was last seen last July in US realms. It did show up one time in a single EU realm since then as well.

Basically, its appearance was nerfed into the 7th ring of Hell after the “we’re just adding it to crates” hotfix. And at his rate I doubt they’re even showing up in the crates. I’ve yet to see anyone confirming they’ve received one out of them.

OK, I also found this blue post:

Yup, we’ve been told twice that nothing changed. Yet it has. The CS blues can really only go off documentation they have (which was also confirmed by them - if an undocumented change occurred, they wouldn’t know).

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You are the cutest little gnome rogue. I totally agree they need to put this big beefy bruto back on the vendor. Kudos to you and your mission!

it’s in there now, they re-added it to rotation, but of course you been malding here on the forums instead of catching the news on WoWhead a while back.

I don’t know - I rarely check out the BMAH

Are you talking about the single instance from two months ago, which was on a single EU realm? The only place it’s been spotted since July 2021?

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As far as I’m aware, once, on one realm.

I don’t want the mount. I didn’t want it when it was on the vendor, and I played extensively enough in BFA to farm gold for it if I actually did want it.

I just found the decision to remove it from the vendor to be profoundly stupid.

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No play style is worthy of any prestige rewards. It’s total bs and just a bad mindset to put into your player base.

Everything should remain obtainable in some form and tons of things need adjustments and better drop rates at that.

The only prestige anyone should get is a feat of strength and they should just take it.

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Problem would be solved if a 10 yard dismount function was put on every single mailbox. Now more huge mounts obscuring the view (other than those weird things people do with Taurens on big mounts). It would also reduce AH botting. Sure, if you want to use it as a mount or as a AH when you are out in the world, no problem. Just institute that one environmental change and much of my issues with the thing would evaporate.

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why? because you don’t approve of some people being better or working harder at things and getting rewards that indicate that?

There is nothing wrong with that - there is only your political ideology that says no one should be special.

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No one is better at video games, they only are fortunate to have the time to get things at all. KSM and Mythic raiding will never equate to bs 10 months “casual” grinds like finishing covenants. Most people can finish these 2 things in a matter of 2-3 months while the rest of us are screwed and without anything exclusive to show off for doing a different form of gameplay. It feels awful.

These rewards breed toxicity and just make everyone an elitist who has them or just bitter in general since so many people love to dictate who can play what depending on the exclusive bs you are attempting to get.

If we’re going to push for exclusive rewards then people shouldn’t be able to get any zone metas once an expansion ends. Things like finishing covenant mini-games should become exclusive then too. Fair is fair. I “worked” harder than half the people who have the time to do other things.

See it sounds stupid doesn’t it. Kill exclusivity. It is not needed in any game.

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that is entirely false

lots of other people to play with - you won’t get carried but you don’t want others to carry you do you?

lol - haha - so it really comes down to you are okay with exclusive rewards