Multidollar company? Why does voice dialogue disappear?

This bug has been in Wow since August. It’s reportedly fixed on the PTR, but Blizz is too busy doing hourly hotfixes (or whatever) for Wotlk.

Retail doesn’t matter any more.


This bug appear when the last patch arrived. Is affecting new players . I started the Night Fay campaign for the first time and after the last patch, 2 months ago the bug appear. The same in my maldraxxus campaign, all runing well, the the last patch arrived and dialogues gone.


WoW is one of the worst games ever to suffer from: “You should’ve been there” FOMO ever.

Bits and pieces to whole chunks of the story are missing now. For example, you can’t do the battle for Undercity anymore, back in Wrath. That was a very huge story beat at the time, and without seeing that, you miss out a large part of Sylvanas’ past story.

That was removed. It’s fully gone now. There is no way to experience that questline, and only players who’ve done it know it exists.

I don’t know many other games that have this problem, and it’s a pretty big one.


Guys, some people in this thread seem to be a little confused. I was never talking about the FOMO storyline bits they deleted out of the SL campaign. I was talking about the fact that there are whole swathes of voice dialogue that is actually still meant to be in the game that Blizz has no intention of removing, but are missing regardless. The quests have built in wait timers because it assumes the voice over is playing when it isn’t. This is a bug. A very embarassing bug for Blizz. Makes them look like quite incompetent. More so than your typical bug anyways.


That’s a known issue as well. Some dialogue that’s supposed to be triggered, that just doesn’t, you’re left in the dark. There’s a lot of moving parts, supposedly.


I’ve noticed this a lot lately too. For example, I was leveling an alt in Nazmir yesterday when I got to the point where Talanji talks about the loa… and she just stood there. All the NPCs just stood there doing and saying nothing. I was thinking about abandoning the quest and trying again when Rokan finally goes “So, we’re gonna make a deal with…” Talaji then says her next line with Rokan saying his next line at the same time. Quest ends.

Seems to be an issue with the entire game, not just Shadowlands. Oof.

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At least it’s back in WotLK classic. It was a blast to see the Wrathgate and Battle for Undercity after not having seen them for years.


I get many people have already played through the story. I know there are those who don’t care about this issue because they are so hardcore that they have to show disdain for people who enjoy the lore to show their dominance. For blizzard to encourage players to return to WoW with the SL promotion and XP Buff and then just ignore this issue for over two months is pretty sad.



I’ve noticed this bug in the quest 'Bring out your tithe."

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This bug is just huge and it is game-breaking, it totally kills all the lore and immersion of questing. I feel bad for the first impression returning and new players will have about the game. It is happening in all expansions too, but in Shadowlands it goes to another level where it literally happens on half the quests. Extremely obnoxious.

This bug was introduced on 16th of August and is running rampant since. We are almost 2 months without it being addressed.

We have 2 huge threads both in the “bug report” and “technical support” areas of the forums, guys. Make sure to voice your concerns there too, please! Blizzard NEEDS to PRIORITIZE fixing this asap.


It is Blizzard’s tradition to remove giant chunks of story from the game when they feel it is no longer relevant. Entire intro event quests for old expansions, legendary questlines that is important in providing context to a lot of characters shifts in motives, Cordana in the WOD legendary questline and her role in Legion as an example, and so many more examples I just cant muster the energy to list.

Oh and Thrall, Jaina, and Anduin are now rescued off screen.

Story should never be FOMO content, regardless of its quality.


When I selected to replay the story there is so much missing! Your just standing there waiting for the quest or turn in becomes available on the npc!


If it’s a bug, then yikes. I do know they like to delete a bunch of stuff as an expansion progresses. I know BFA suffered a bit of that. Just a weird thing to do but it might just be a lazy way of just axing X things since the story has technically ‘progressed’.

Donno really.

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It is not that Blizzard removed story content. What we are talking about is that ALL quests with dialogue cutscenes in the game are NOT working due to a bug (specially BfA and Shadowlands). The NPCs just stand around and don’t say anything either in dialogue balloon or voice.

This bug is actually so big that you don’t see any dialogue in HALF of Shadowlands quests.

Multidollar company?

I thought they were indie devs. :joy:

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Ah. I misunderstood the thread it would seem.

Crazy that a bug like this has been rampant for this long though. I havent leveled any alts in a while, so I was completely unaware of this. My brain jumped the gun thinking more story content was removed.


Man, it is just crazy. If you’d seen how HALF of Shadowlands quests are glitched and NPCs straight up silent doing nothing when they should be speaking, you would be impressed.

If you’re talking about the Bolvar quest chains for Torghast, yes large swaths of those quests have been gone since 9.1, 9.2… It has been a long time.

Edit: should have started at the end of the thread. sorry my comment has nothing to do with the issue.

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