Multidollar company? Why does voice dialogue disappear?

I’m noticing this more and more where entire swathes of story and exposition voice lines appear to have been completely deleted from the game. The worst offender being the Night fae campaign or pretty much any campaign stuff to do with torghast. Whole chunks of NPC voice interactions are missing, resulting in the player just having to…sit there in silence wondering if anything is going on.

There is no dialogue posted to the chat log either so there is no record of the conversation. I know for a fact these voice lines worked earlier in the expac. There are clear quest pauses between completion checks that are obviously based on timers to allow the player to listen to the conversation first, but there is nothing to listen to. This is looks incredibly sloppy and stupid. I know it’s a bug and all, but it’s all over the place now (including Sylvanas exposition parts) and frankly, should have been patched yonks ago considering how old the expac is now.

Blizz, pull the proverbial thumb out please. This is basic narative stuff completely missing from the current expac for no reason. For me it’s not a major issue since I know such voice lines often go missing for no reason, but am familiar enough with blizz quests that I can tell when I need to wait for an invisible timer and when not to. But for a new player doing the story campaign for the first time, it immediately raises red flags in terms of product quality and competency of the devs.

This is sad. SMH.


I think Blizz should just put a Nobbel NPC in every major city and play embedded youtube videos to explain the entire lore at this point


Captain Exposition to the rescue!


Hello, I see you posted a thread about story. As I have said in other threads, the story is one giant mess in no large part because of the number of deleted quest lines over the years! Well, that and the horrible, horrible writing, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


It probably is a bug, but do you think there’s a chance that they’re starting to try to cycle out voice lines with those associated with older content getting removed in order to save disk space?

I could see it going either way with how big chunks of stuff just up and vanishes, like the battle for undercity pseudo-scenario that originally followed the Wrath Gate quests. It’s kind of crucial for understanding the bits of story surrounding it but Blizz dropped the axe on it in no time at all (in Cataclysm IIRC) and it’s been missing from retail ever since.


Disk space??? For voice lines??? What are they saving on? 20MB?


In aggregate they’re a significant chunk of the size growth since around Cata/MoP. They’d have to be taking out entire expansions’ worth to make a dent but I could see them trialing systems for decommissioning on a smaller scale first.

And as the expansion goes on you just see him more and more tired and trying not to show his frustration


You’d be surprised how chunky audio can be. One of my fav skyrim mods is like 95 percent dialogue being added in and its freaking MASSIVE

I’m not buying it.

You don’t get to just leave in dozens? of random main campaign current expac story quests including their wait timers, where you are forced to just stand around and do nothing while the NPC’s dutifully wait out their timers for voice over dialogue lines that are now removed from the game. That’s nothing but a incredibly stupid bug. If it’s deliberate as you suggest, that that points to some FAR more serious issues over at Blizz HQ programming department.


I’m just explaining how it could be a possibility

I’d be more inclined to believe this if SO MUCH of it wasn’t missing. Fel like 95% of the Shadowlands ending “stay a while and listen” dialog is just . . . GONE. It’s rather annoying especially considering that was the reason I finished the Shadowlands storyline in the first place, was honestly gonna pass on Zereth Mortis but I really wanted to finish things up for that dialog . . . I feel cheated.


It is pretty bad. But the thing that bothers me about it is that I still have to wait through the timer. Like, just give me the quest text, map marker, and let me go.

There’s definitely a place for Captain Exposition in live WoW.


Nobody plays WoW for the story

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And next to him should be Captain Crunch who gives everyone The Cliff notes version of the story.

See bad thing there? you go kill. Good job!

:dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:

lol this explains some of what I saw the other day. I saw the “Stay Awhile and Listen” bubble, but when I clicked the char nothing happened.

So… essentially even the dialog is part of the Blizzard FOMO system now! See, you should click the dialog and play through the quests when Blizzard wants you to do so. Otherwise you will never get the chance again in the future!


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One of my addons cuts out the floating head conversation boxes, so maybe its something similar in your case?

It’s not. I stopped using such addons long ago.

Same with me. I run with very few addons. DBM, Details, WA and some pet battle addons. Along with gathermate2 and tomtom. I get talking heads all the time. lol