Starting a new thread to compile data (because the main thread discussing this issue was started by someone from Stormrage. oops).
A trend of disconnects is emerging on the server US-Moon Guard, reported from a wide variety of geos including multiple countries. In this trend, the following has been reported (one-off reports have been excluded):
All: Disconnecting when ingame, minimum interval 30sec, maximum interval 30min, median interval 5-15min. Punted to the login/“Reconnect” screen in WoW.
All: Disconnects have been occurring for multiple weeks.
7 reports: Pressing “Log Out” while ingame may direct to a black character screen with no characters listed before disconnecting shortly after
7 reports: Issue occurs when connected to address, and does not occur on
7 reports: Issue is specific to Moon Guard, and does not occur on other servers
6 reports: Disconnect occurs abruptly, with no running-in-place beforehand
5 reports ( No network connectivity interruptions to occur in WinMTR leading up to or during these disconnects
The per-thread count of the below section is inaccurate, but the absolute count is correct, as of 2023/6/21. This won’t be fixed as the issue’s relevance to Moon Guard is pretty apparent by now.
Posts from unique posters indicating this issue from the past week that either indicate the issue occurring on Moon Guard, or are from posters on/having an alt on Moon Guard:
1-30: Disconnecting every 15-20 minutes
31: DC every 30 seconds on Retail
32: Frequent DC last two weeks - Dragonflight
33: Constantly getting DC
34: Constant DCs - #6 by Pleasecar-moon-guard
35: Disconecting way to much
36: Constantly disconnecting
37: Random DC's Over Past 30 days or so
38-58: Moon Guard disconnection issues compendium
59-60: Random DCing since diablo 4 got released
Edit to note: The below link is not relevant! To properly test connection to Moon Guard, WinMTR needs to happen to
A pastebin containing WinMTRs to