Frequent DC last two weeks - Dragonflight

Happens 100% of the time happens within a few seconds after starting the app and going into a character. Tracked for about 15 minutes and had a DC about 5 minutes in to the test but within a minute of me restarting Bnet and logging into a character. Sometimes it happens more often than within the first minute of connecting.

All started within the last two weeks or so. Have had the issue with and without addons enabled. Happens on two different computers. Seems to be more likely to happen when being in a new zone. I DC, log back in, then I’m safe from DC until I move to new zones or log into the game again.

By DC, I mean it kicks me back to the main screen kind of like what happens when you fly into a rock but my character is just sitting still. I am able to log right back in without issues.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|                       -    0 | 1294 | 1294 |    9 |   14 |  424 |   11 |
|                  -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |    9 |   14 |  424 |   11 |
|                 -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |    9 |   17 |   94 |   16 |
| -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |   10 |   17 |  102 |   11 |
|                    -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |    9 |   16 |   54 |   11 |
| -   80 |  312 |   63 |    0 |   20 |   29 |   20 |
| -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |   16 |   19 |   43 |   18 |
| -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |   16 |   23 |  119 |   23 |
|                   No response from host -  100 |  261 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
|                   No response from host -  100 |  261 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
| -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |   63 |   68 |   99 |   66 |
| -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |   64 |   67 |   93 |   66 |
|                  -    0 | 1295 | 1295 |   62 |   65 |   86 |   69 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider~~~~

I’m not letting this topic close, this is absolutely ridiculous. I’m going to speak as a Tech Control Facility Manager here, as this is literally my job that I’ve done for the past 7 years in the Army.

You’re sub counts is FAR lower than its been and servers ran better. Even considering if you downgraded due to lower subs, you’re making enough money to maintain servers properly. There is NO excuse for this piss more service. You should be able to project with your subs how much your servers can handle as it literally your income on subscriptions /15. But COD doesn’t have Server problems like this now does it? Blizzard-Activision.


80 packet loss on the comcast hop and no response a few nodes after. Gonna blame either a sh!t DNS routing or Comcast.

But no packet loss to the game. Maybe let someone who knows what they are talking about respond to these threads. You come off as not only not knowing what you’re talking about but unnecessarily defending Blizzard unconditionally. Even if you’re right you are not helpful at all.


Heres your help. Change your DNS to Google or Cloud Flare and if that still doesn’t solve it. Call your ISP and have them escalate the issue and make note of the sh!ty hop you have with 80% packet loss.

[ EDIT: I’m an idiot with a different issue, disregard. =) ]

Same issue here. I get disconnected and thrown back to the main login screen 60-90 seconds after logging in, 100% of the time. After I reconnect, it’s fine and doesn’t DC again until I relaunch the game.

Started a couple weeks ago, is happening on two different computers. I have tried changing DNS settings with no improvement. My roommate sitting right next to me, on the same LAN and obviously with the same ISP, has had no issues.

But sure, keep blaming the ISP.


Why high jack this thread? Go make your own post your WinMTR easily could be your NIC or something else locally. Bad ethernet etc.

Regardless the above WinMTR shows the issue isn’t Blizzard but Comcast dropping the ball with their node. Some times DNS will route around it correctly. Some times your just stuck waiting and escalating it up through your ISP.

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Yo, I’m sorry. I missed the 80% packet loss in the first column and thought you were responding to the “No response from host” lines, which as you probably know don’t necessarily indicate an issue.

I’m definitely having a different problem than the OP (no packet loss here) and shouldn’t have posted in this thread.

Thanks for the time you spend here trying to help others! Hope you have a great day.

Would my ISP or DNS be responsible for only DCing within the first minute of starting the client or switching characters, sometimes changing zones? It isn’t so much of a DC as much as it is the game kicking me out to the login screen like flying into a rock does.

Have had zero issues DCing until recently and no other service has disruptions. There isn’t a period of lag prior to the DC. I can be casting or talking and instantly booted.


Very unlikely. Big issue is your router is pausing for 400 ms to talk to itself. Would try without your router and run another WinMTR.

Which server(s) have you experienced the DCs on?

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Only Moon Guard. Can replicate on demand (exiting game and Bnet, logging in, will get booted to main screen within a minute) on Moon Guard but cannot replicate on an Illidan alt.


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