Monks get Buffed and Paladins Get nerfed

Well, ya’ll asked them to fix it. Enjoy it.

UPDATE: Just because it keeps happening - my comment is ONLY directed to the 200 threads asking for WW, and not the 200 threads asking for BM. So BM… if you are here to comment you are wasting your time. Blizz is still ignoring you, but at least WW got some attention.


What do those have to do with eachother?

Brewmaster Monk wasn’t touched despite needing attention.


I never mentioned BM. They were the two biggest complaints on this forum for the past ten days. NERF PALLY! BUFF MONK! Well… it’s here.


Right, I’m wondering what point you are making about dps monk buffs and prot pally nerfs.


Well, let me simplify it…

Monks got a buff, cause folks demanded it.
Paladins got a nerf, cause folks demanded it.

Once they roll the changed into the game, they will actually fix nothing, and the same people will be back here “complaining”.

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ping pong paladins ride never ends


No one asked for that, though?

People asked for Ret to be nerfed and Brewmaster to be buffed.

Neither of those that you posted are what anyone asked for.


To be fair WW was in a terrible place and there’s been a lot of feedback on them needing buffs.

I just took the OP as making some sort of complaint or comparison between the tuning when they aren’t the same role.

But I guess they were just reposting the notes for no particular reason.


Hey, not my circus, not my clowns. Their algorithm pumped out some weekly report to get a feel for who was griping about what. This is the result :rofl:


Exactly their point, I think.

Blizz can’t remember which spec does what lol


Dunno about how paladins work but 50% decrease seems excessive.

Can’t they balance in increments?

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Nah, 100% .

Gotta make sure they don’t even pick lightsmith anymore.

To be fair if they think its such a big part of the issue that makes them so OP, may as well just remove it.

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My dad used to say “not my monkeys, not my circus.” And we just found a craft beer named that. :rofl:

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Why would they nerf ret when it’s middle of the pack? Why wouldn’t they buff WW when it’s at the bottom?


I think it was PvP complaints. But there were a bunch of threads outraged that Ret was somehow Blizz’s favorite child. lol

I never said they shouldn’t?

There has been WW complaints about being the worst dps class. Not a ton, but they have been around. There’s also been a few nerf paladin posts as per usual.


Ok, time to correct that:

So, while you are picking these apart and dismissing them, I will be cruising through other threads. :blue_heart:


Excellent. They should still fix BM which is the most broken tank, but prot paladin needed to be pulled back. And the blood buffs are good, they were falling behind also, but this doesn’t seem like they’re overbuffing it like they did with pal.

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Only the SoD ones, because that’s not Retail.

I don’t check the class forums, so that’s on me. And the threads I’ve seen on GD were about Ret and Brew— but I don’t know all threads! So thanks for sharing. :dracthyr_heart:


I don’t disagree. I love my monk but shelved him the minute he folded like 1 ply toilet paper against 3 mobs. If they would simply take the best performing tank, DPS, and healer, and then create stylized flavor for each so that each class had the same type and number of abilities, then EVERYONE would be welcome in +12s and not just Pallies, Shammies, and Disc Priests.