Another m+ season with one tank insanely overperforming

How can you not learn from your mistakes? We have had VDH for the last 2 seasons who overperformed like crazy and made other tanks look like a joke and now we have absolutely the same situation with Ppal.
Buff underperforming tanks PROPERLY for once and there you go. But who cares.


From what I’ve seen, Prot Paladins are doing the most dmg.


Any tank can clear 8s, 9s and 10s without issue.

That isn’t enough for you? Seems greedy.


Nice logic. Why bother balancing stuff when anyone can clear 8s.


I agree, tank balancing has been the worst out of all rolls recently

Balancing in general has been a complete disaster though even for Blizzard standards

Personally, I think it would just be an easier and better solution if Blizzard fixed the game?


Stop before they put us back into the paper armor at the start of the season. :confused:


With how balancing has been going they will probably nerf prot palla back into TBC and Prot warr will get a huge buff


Probably take us back to vanilla where we no longer have taunt.


They literally did but underperforming tanks. That’s the reason Prot Paladins are doing so well now. We were at the bottom until the .0.5 patch.


Brewmaster was below prot in most tier lists even before the prot pally rework. Also, Prot Pal has been strong for the last what, four seasons?


They did. And Prot Paladin went from being one of the weakest tanks to being the strongest tank as a result. Because they buffed it properly.

If they didn’t balance stuff, Prot Paladin would be worse relative to Prot Warrior and Bear than Blood DK and Brewmaster are relative to current Prot Paladin.

The problem is that BDK and Brewmaster are inherently flawed by design in M+. DK in particular has the problem of either being literally invincible if trash autos don’t greatly threaten it or the worst M+ tank in the game if they aren’t literally invincible.


It has been strong 4/8 seasons. Real Meta level once.

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For me, they can buff all tanks, it’s very bad to have to spend CD to heal tank and then have no CD left to heal the group during an aoe.

I actually hate healing Monk Tank, they are so much paper. I’ve seen a lot of tanks getting one shot too, that’s absurd, tanks need a lot more resistance.


You must be new here, tanks haven’t been balanced anywhere near what you would call acceptable, and this game as a whole, since about BFA. It’s never really been balanced let’s face it, but it’s been downhill for about 6 years.

Over the years it’s been prot warrior as the strongest consistent tank with brew getting worse. In SL druids were king, in DF it was paladin for 2 seasons while they stayed strong, DH just got stronger.

Now I don’t know what they done with paladin, maybe people finally got past 620 iLVL and scaling started making them super strong, maybe healers were able to finally get past that level and keep them up easier, or maybe some changes have been done, because at the start of the season people could not play paladin, they called it bad.

Or maybe it’s just a new expansion and people did not know how to correctly use paladin, and it seems nothing with them have changed since DF, the only major change was to knock DH down a few levels.

Worst excuse ever, because if this is what Blizzard think then why bother playing anything but the best in class? Sure BrM can clear 10s if you are good enough, but I can also do it with 3 buttons on my prot warrior with less gear so why bother playing any other tank?


Won’t this really always be the case between classes with obvious button and/or skill requirement gaps? Even if they could clear the same level of content, one will still require far more effort, this hasn’t changed really ever.

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You say that and then go on the most ignorant rant i’ve ever read


I believe Blizz’s sole concern with M+ now is having it become a successful Esport. The only thing I can think is that they feel the best way to do this is by having a single “god comp” every season. I don’t watch M+ Esports matches, but I do watch 2 other game’s Esports tournaments, and both of these games have large pools of viable heroes for every tournament - never watching the exact same composition over and over. I doubt I would watch any Esport that had a fixed composition for every tournament - boring stuff.

You’d have to be ignorant to think balancing has ever been good.

“Everyone can finish the race, doesn’t matter that some people get a head start.”

So tired of seeing this conflation of viability with balance.


My Pally is a beast and can pull off any VDH, even at his current iLvL. My BDK and Druid on the otherhand could use a minor bump to step up to that level.