Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

Inorganic statue-people not being able to be raised into undeath as death knights is a rare win for the integrity of the lore, I suppose. Very surprising.

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Then you’ve obviously been living under a rock because I’ve seen a bit of support for Dragonmaw as an allied race instead of orc customization ever since BfA opened the way for more quick and dirty race additions. Meanwhile, gilgoblins had a fair amount of people wanting them as the goblin allied race over vulpera. They and forest trolls have whole allied race megathreads that still get visited regularly, with the forest troll thread being a little over four years old:

About the only one that died off in popularity was blood trolls, but the interest in them was there, even if it was brief.

Yes, they were. BfA didn’t invent the concept of people discussing what races they want in the game. Earthen have been in the game for over a decade, albeit looking very differently in TWW from their introduction in Wrath, so in that time, they could’ve easily rivaled Dark Irons in support as either a potential new race or potential dwarf customization. It’s just that the events of BfA caused the discussion of potential Alliance allied races to focus predominantly on high elves and sethrak with other races being choked out.

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Yeah but now HMPs will be able to bubble hearth out of battlegrounds now.
Twice if they can get into a new one in time

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That’s not hair
That’s moss

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Not interested in another dwarf!!!

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Glad I’m not the only one who remembered that Earthen actually were a pretty highly requested race


Universal Death Knights? You mean like my Dracthyr Death Knight?

It’s because the same people who say “Nobody wanted this” or “Everybody wanted this” thinks that if they didn’t personally want it, nobody did, and if they personally wanted it, everybody did. They can’t see beyond their own bubble.

HOWEVER, I do think they should’ve added a 2nd playable race since Dwarves in general have been very Alliance-specific.


It’s actually metal wire, apparently.

Please do gnome undead/zombie customizations and add cannibalize spell for gnomes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Yep. Nice civil response, I concur. Sums up how I feel nicely.

I can think of many, many races that deserve a place. Merlocs, Gnolls, Gilgoblins, Vrykul, Sethralak, Ogres, Harpies, Sanlayn, High elves, Tuskarr, Naga, Hozen, Furbolgs, and even Kobalds, as ugly as sin they might be. Its something cool and new. But uhhh…

Nope. I guess a 3rd variant of a race I see most ignore. Cool.

Where are my OGRES blizzard???

Im horde, i don’t want dwarves, give me races that make sense to join my faction.

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Soil is more of a dessert for Earthen, you can makes cake, shakes, brownies, donuts, and fudge out of it.

Add some pebble sprinklers on top.


These could have been like Duergar, though Dark Iron Dwarves somewhat fit that niche. Earthen just look…. Meh.

come on everyone knows moss grows on rocks :laughing: :laughing:

Actually there are earthen in Uldar.

These particular Earthen have been secluded on an island.

Hello, everyone! We’ve made a small correction to the quests involved in unlocking the Earthen in game.

We’ve replaced: Construct pottery with Hreka for Hope, An Anomaly
With: Assist Councilward Merrix in returning stability to Dornogal in Bad Business.

One of the devs is a troll definitely…


Their customization options are nicer than I thought they’d be. Their models look better too. That being said, they’re still a 3rd dwarf race.

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Probably going to make a hunter, tame some stone/rock creatures, name them after rock stars and maybe level it, or it will sit there. Not really excited for another dwarf race, would have preferred Saberon, but not the end of the world.

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Man, that sounds awfully familiar about another hated allied race we got in BFA…