Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race

Kul Tiran, or Mechagnome?

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At least the Kul Tiran were in the lore…

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From a lore perspective making Earthen playable is fairly significant since they are directly created by the titans. Only through the curse of flesh did they become dwarves.

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There is now a 30% chance im race changing to earthen.
Im actually really enjoying playing one on beta.
They look great.

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I would like to meet the earthen but the beta is really messed up. And I cannot post in the beta section?

So when do Ogres, Broken and Stone Orcs on a secluded island happen?

I wonder who they listen to for race ideas :neutral_face:

Was anyone actually asking for new dwarves?


nobody was excited for these at blizzcon and no ones excited now. well except for dwarf players.


Please tell me that I will be able to mine Earthen corpses :grin:

I remember back in bfa seeing requests frequently enough that I thought they were dumb. Though seeing them now they actually look pretty solid.

I mean, based on the number of people I’ve seen complainign Wildhammers were just customisation options? Yes

Earthen never been a highly request race like High Elves or Ogres (and, seriously, in older polls? Earthen were absolutely demolished by Wildhammer dwarves, despite Wildhammers just being regular dwarves with tattoos) but they’ve been around as a general ‘that’d be nice I guess’ option

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Are there seriously people defending this cheap third recolor version of dwarves? It seems Blizzard has trained their players well.

At least at the start of BFA, there were 4 low budget recolors. Now there’s just one. Especially as an Alliance player, you must feel completely ripped off getting the same race for the third time.


More… vague?

for the mating display…

not sure how rocks mate tho…

earthen were never requested…ever.

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Hey Sendryn, sorry I came from the full article. If you look there, it lists two different campaigns (leveling and War Within storyline) and both link to different places on WoWhead that don’t seem to overlap

War Within storyline on Wowhead
Link is from Full OP Article

Level up campaign on Wowhead
link also in full op article

Also, don’t read any of the text if you don’t want spoilers, but confirmed in no uncertain words today that the Ties that Bind, an achievement listed in the Full Article in the OP as being a War Within Storyline chapter, is chapter 2 of the Level 80 Post-leveling campaign.


I’m not sure why the post is labeled so misleadingly, but between the full article and this post by Wowhead I think it’s all but certain that the leveling campaign isn’t the extent of it.

To my point, they buried the lead with this thread (even if somehow I’m wrong there’s still a list of other activities you have to do that aren’t the leveling campaign in the article) so it leads me to believe there’s other things, like timegating, they’re not being forward about

EDIT: Real slick guys. They changed the OP at some point.

I’m not concerned with “being right”, I just think there’s some misleading going on here. I hope you can understand why.

Its at least something we asked for and delivered on what we wanted. That’s how low Alliance requests are. Also gotta consider that, prior to SL giving us it as a customisation option, Wildhammer Dwarves (IE: The dwarves we already have now but with tattoos) was one of the absolute fore-runner requests for an Alliance AR.

Does the job better than Mecha-gnomes or void elves did at being the requested mecha gnomes and high elves

They were requested plenty of times?

Like, they weren’t requested as a Horde race but they were absolutely a low-end Alliance requested race. They were demolished by Wildhammer in polls level low

Helll, if we include Frostborn as an Earthen variant (which, they’re just blue earthen, let’s be honest), that even adds more to it


That’s fair and very confusing. Would be nice if they’d clear it up. Because no one is going to care about Earthen at the end of the expansion. lol

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Then you must have read a different forum than I did. Dwarves were never among the races that were in high demand. But some even claim that people requested Diaper Gnomes… despite the fact that there were several threads asking for them not to be playable. Similarly, there are several threads about Dwarves 3.0 that strongly criticize this race. For good reason.
It’s simply lazy on Blizzard’s part, and once again, they are ignoring their players.

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I’m a Hordie and joined during Wrath. This was my childhood dream lol.

Idk man maybe I’m just old, but Dwarves have always been my favorite in every fantasy besides WoW (only because WoW have the Horde) and I’m pretty sure others would’ve agreed like 15 years ago.

I think Earthen are only catching so much flak now because of optics and the stupid choices made in the past 6 years

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