Make guilds matter

Some how, some way please find a way to make guilds matter. Everything being puggable, gdkp, and general impatience leads to unreliable members that you absolutely can’t count on. Give people options but make it attractive to stay with your guild. Even just a publically visible guild counter for how many guilds they have been in would help.

Feels like a bit of a paradox. You claim guilds don’t matter, yet all I see on this forum are constant crying about how the raid is too hard if you try to PUG, that premades crush PUGs, etc.

Having a network of allies to lean on absolutely matters, and that’s all a guild is and all it needs to be.


How can they make guilds matter more without adding perks that “no one wants”?

According to all the Era fanboys, everyone likes SoD because of the social aspect, and vehemently insist on no QoL changes. If everyone really likes that social aspect so much, then why isn’t everyone in a guild? Why doesn’t everyone just form premades for WSG? Why are PuGs even a thing?

Everything that makes guilds matter nowadays is how they handle their discord, and how well they recruit.


Anti-social weirdos kicked out of Retail for being weirdos trying to find footing in a different version of the gameplay.


lol what?

Yet you recruit and they don’t even bother joining the discord… There is no loyalty in wow players anymore

I’m in a 10man guild havin a blast. I’ll probably dip out once 40man raids come out but i’ll enjoy it until then

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Literally on the front page right now -

I did all of classic in the same guild. Other guilds fell apart, we absorbed the decent people, and turned away the bad actors that caused that guild to disband. No changes need to be made. You just need to find a better guild, with better people in it. Or if you can’t, make the guild yourself.


idk my guild is pretty active. have like 4+ groups raiding bfd on main raid nights. PvP groups etc etc.

Guilds do matter. I wouldn’t still be playing wow after 19 years if it wasn’t for people I’ve been playing with.

I agree that Blizzard have done their utmost to make guilds not be required - but simply put, everything in WOW is better in a good guild with friends, even if it offers no ingame bonuses.

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Some people work weird hours and some have lots of alts. Why is this even a question?


agered however

I mean, I’ve been running with my guild… we’re running 3 raids on Crusader Strike at a time, have off night raids and alt raids…

We basically rarely ever have to pug, there’s an actual guild community so theres no loot drama… “Thats bis for me, completes my set” “ok dude grats!” … THAT is why guilds matter and why they are important.

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I’m on the lone wolf discord and the amount of people who pretend they are aloof but cry when their loot gets sniped is mind blowing.

Stop being an anti-social weirdo and just joins guild, yknow? lol.

dude it’s bad… had guildies crying about how long their PUG took while we are struggling to get healers signed up

Player made problem.

not when content is faceroll easy


Guilds are how to get BiS as fast as possible. You will no longer have to roll for gear eventually it’s just yours.

Guilds are the best way to play SoD hands down. They matter so much its not even funny.

This entire forum is filled with threads complaining about how bad pugging BFD is, how bad pugging WSG is, how they can’t find people to do open world content with them anymore.

It honestly makes me want to ask if anyone on these forums has friends. Or at least a guild, lol.

Seriously, the entire game is better when you have a guild/group of friends you play it with. It’s worse when you try to play it alone. That’s a good thing. That’s how Classic and thus Season of Discovery should be.