Make guilds matter

Well that just sounds like you’re in a bad guild, lol.

Cope, you like dpsing, the difficulty of the content wont make you roll a healer.

well I’m tanking, if I healed we would be short on tanks lol

Seems to be a major issue on the forums. Schrodingers <insert topic here<

Probably the biggest reason to join a guild outside of them being a place to play with a group of friends, is simply to have a consistent group of people to run raids with. This is the payoff and why guilds matter.

First guild groups will make the raids run smoother and faster, as typically once you learn fights, you know them, with pugs you often have to train them, and often times they will have a more subpar impact because they don’t know the fight or how you do it, again not usually a problem with a guild group as you all learn at the same pace typically.

The second biggest thing is you get a lot more loot and gear up faster, as you continue to raid, while you might lose things to guildies, ultimately the next time something drops, your not rolling against them again, while with new pugs every week you might always have competetion. Also while you see this some with pugs, guildies are much more likely to bow out and make sure everyone is getting loot or give someone else something as it might benefit them more.

see this is reasonable and what gets preached but they still don’t see it this way, makes no sense to me

guilds already matter. I’ve seen nothing on here but endless whining that the raids to hard and that pugs have insane demands. I have encountered absolutely none of that because I joined a guild right away and signed up to the guild raids. We have raids going all the time so I can find one the suites me

guilds are OP in every way

seriously where? this is the easiest “end game” content in the history of wow

scroll through the forums my friend and prepare to lose all faith in humanity

I mean pre-nerf maybe it was hard for pugs but now? come on…

I had a dude tell me the first boss was a retail platformer, and that most of the bosses are just button mashing dance dance revolution. It’s insane how dumb people are on here

But guilds do matter? Much more than you think? I mean, not only are you much more likely to succeed at raids and pvp together, you play with the same characters and you get gear that belongs to your group exclusively which makes future runs much easier and pleasant. And if the people are cool to hang out with, that’s all the better, is it not?

I propose a guild buff. Somewhere along the lines of the current world buff from bfd, but it does not stack. So 10 people would be world buff down to 5 which would be a diminished version of world buff.

Guilds are starting to become ancient tradition when it comes to raiding. There are still some games that they work well with, but a lot of people are moving away from guilds and into static pre-mades via discords. Discords are starting to replace everything these days lol. Especially in games were the raid sizes 12 people are less.

I get it. But Kelris still is still pretty rough if you have 5 caster dps and like 3 mages lol.

the 1 bazillion hunters spamming for a group 24/7 why would you do that to yourself?

this. plus running with the same 9 homies every week means you don’t have 2 roll against 9 new homies every 3 days

I don’t understand this one. My guild runs only 2 (back to back) BFD groups per lockout. Most of us have more than 2 characters BFD runnable, and we even throw our alts into these runs as we diversify our loot pools.

That said, I may be running with same 9 “homies” each run, but each group isn’t exactly the same toons each lockout.

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Like maybe have weekly raid lockouts, and large enough raid sizes that scheduling makes sense.


That would be amazing!

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