Warcraft Logs is ruining SoD

According to Wowhead, less than 2% of the entire SoD population has even entered BFD.

This is primarily because of how difficult it is to get into groups, especially if you have kids and a full time job outside of the game and you can’t be on every single day to get every buff and consumable available.

Recently, I was removed from a group because I was a “gray parser”.

I do not know what this means, but I was humiliated by other people in the raid and was removed from the group despite making time in my schedule to get a world buff and show up to the raid on the sign up sheet.

I come to find out that people are parsing via Warcraft Logs and there are no invites being given out unless you are amongst the top of your class and can play everything perfectly.

This is gatekeeping at it’s finest, and I really do hope as future tiers open up that we as a community can be more accepting of casual players and “Gray parsers” so more people can get a chance to raid.


Thats not the reason. The reason is because its lv 25 content and not worth logging.


gray parse means u did very low dmg for your spec


Yes I am not a streamer or a speed runner, I should not expected to play like a professional eSports player in a level 25 raid.


Name checks out.


Absolutely loved this comment.

People on my server cannot access raids unless they are a high parse player, it’s not fair for most of us not be able to get into raids.

Get better in your class/role so you parse better and be accepted into raids. Cant expect people to feel pity on you and bring a leech along to drag 9 other people down.

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You do realize some of us have families and full time jobs outside of the game right? How do you expect us to compete with people who play 9+ hrs a day…


Sign up sheet… was this in a guild or a discord group?

If that’s the case find better friends. They should be giving you advice, pointing you towards guides and giving you examples of what you need to do. I can tell you at a certain phase of the Kelris fight the group needs to do a ton of damage, and very low dps output will affect that fight.

There’s no need for people to belittle.


I don’t think most groups cares if you have very average or even slightly below average parses - but if you are gray parsing is basically means you are doing like 1/3rd-ish the impact of an average player of your class.

What’s your SoD name?


Well, if you wont take the intiative to at least try to get better during the time you have, then a harsh reality is coming at you fast. This is only lv 25 content and if youre struggling you wont make it far in higher tier content.

I believe it was…checks notes… a complete lie trying to troll the forums.


There’s a lot of gatekeeping going on in BFD - you can kill easily Lorgus with greens and easily kill Kelris in greens and shadow protection potions - but if you’re gray parsing you’re not just “average,” you’re really really bad. You don’t need to be a streamer to do better than gray parsing.

If this post isn’t a troll (which it is) I suggest looking up a guide for your class and running SFK or WC a few times


Imagine being so dumb you cannot figure out this number represents total characters, not unique accounts or players. This includes every person’s lvl 1 bank alt, alts created to save names, and other low lvl alts.


Flag and move along folks, just another RDF troll thread.


Out of the 6 times I’ve cleared BFD only one run was logged. Maybe people aren’t inviting you for other reasons?

People act like jerks and drive people away.

Then they complain the game is dead, like they have no influence whatsoever.

Nothing new.

Some people are awful, but they are a minority. Find a guild and have fun.

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It doesn’t take 9+ hours per day of game time to not parse grey. Especially when you only have like 3 abilities to push. Do the meals that you cook for your family suck? Or do you practice cooking 9+ hours per day to not grey parse that mac n cheese?

You have 1,800 forum posts. You’ve played this game before. Make your own raid if you can’t use your years of experience to play better.

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