BFD P1 raiding requirements are getting ridiculous

BFD Raid is fun and easy. I just cant stand LFG mentality! For example you must have TB buff, DMF buff, ash buff, already be in full BFD BIS gear, must have greench, 99 parses etc just to enter a lv 25 phase 1 raid is a bit ridiculous. I have 3 alts all in bis gear i run with different guilds im just looking out for the casual/ new player experience during SOD. SOD is easy mode go play hardcore/ classic if we trying to mid max. Thanks for reading!


Well, this one won’t be a factor soon. Most people have burned theirs on the last 3 lockouts.


It’s really not as bad as you’re making it.


No one needs any of that unless they are just super bad at playing.


i agree just super hard to get invites

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You’re right, no one for the most part does.

But the pugging paradigm is to require them in many cases.

I don’t know about Horde side. I also run in guild groups. However, in alliance general chat mostly I see people asking for experience for the raid.

I do see people looking to get into BFD sayting they have a greench etc I just really don’t see that or buffs being asked for.

Guild wise we always turn in a pearl prior to going to the instance. We also run the same (more or less) group and have multiple raid groups going. It’s also as others have said pretty easy… at least after you’ve done it once. Our clear times improved very quickly once we got going. So if people are asking for all that… ya I don’t know.

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Just make your own and you’re good to go. The raid is super ez.


thanks for this insight. on Horde it seems we are way more picky.

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It’s human nature. BFD is the “end game” right now, so elitists will try to be elite for a super easy raid. If lvl 25 wasn’t the cap, you wouldn’t see this happening. Everyone would be rolling through it with quest gear.

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Alliance side really the most we ask for is to have the BFD world buff (which is dropping every 5 mins in Darnassus) and to have done quests for some pre-raid bis. Neck and Head is optional.

If your showing up in level 10 quest gear though you will be booted because you clearly haven’t bothered to do the bare minimum (and likely were boosted).


The problem is the lock out system. It needs to go away and be replaced with BoP raid gear limits if they must timegate progression. People are afraid of getting locked in with people that can’t do the content. In order to insure that isn’t possible, over-the-top requirements have become the norm.

The lockouts need to go away, and a raid finder also needs to be implemented.

Also, I never got a world buff to raid in vanilla. Nor did people like Kungen. I refuse to be part of this streamer/retaily meta. Get them if you want, but I’m not going out of my way if I don’t feel like it. It’s cheesy. Especially for some easy raid.

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That’s obfuscating the issue.

The issue is that we have a community that is requesting/requiring over the top things for what amounts to ONE semi difficult boss in an otherwise easy raid.

I’ve come to the personal conclusion that all of this is stemming from Kelris. If he wasn’t tuned above every other boss in there, we wouldn’t be seeing quite as much of this as we are.

Now, would it still happen, yea, because people are bad, others want to be carried, and the third group just wants smooth runs without concern.

As far as “MaK uR oWn GrOoP, lOlZ!!!” Yea, I’m dismissing this garbage comment going forward. It’s intellectually lazy and doesn’t add to the conversation nor does it completely solve the issue. All you’re doing is encouraging one more group advertising “LF 2 tanks and 2 heazors for last 2 BFD bosses” with that one.

That all being said, most of what people are asking for really isn’t that big a deal. I think some of the lower echelon players are making a bigger deal out of it than it really is. A pot, the WB, and having decent quest and dungeon gear isn’t truly too much to ask for.

Sadly, its either the lockouts or the difficulty level of Kelris. Lots of people are scared of getting stuck in a 5/7 group, which is where this is mostly coming from. Out of a place of fear.

We shouldn’t have to have this conversation about either of those as well. The fact that we are is on Blizzard for missing the mark on the tuning and the mechanics in BFD.


No, please stop suggesting this garbage.


I’ve seen requirements high for BFD and also just have the 2 pots, know the fight and decent gear.

You have it in your power to change it. People are people and some want to exclude others from their group. Big flip … They are allowed to make their groups with their rules – there is nothing wrong with that at all.

If you don’t like the rules, make your own group with your rules.

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Please stop asking for garbage solutions.
You all asked for it in WoTLK and it was going to fix everything. How’d that work out?


One person is incapable of changing a social paradigm without a significant social following or perceived level of leadership / following.

No, I (and everyone else) can somewhat control that which is within our individual experiences, but not the current trends. That will take a rather large intervention. Likely on Blizzard’s part.

Blizzard gave you all the tools you need to change it (for you).

You are not here to change how others play the game. This is not your personal version of WoW. Why would Blizzard allow you to change the game to suit your needs? Why would that be fair?

What Blizzard did give you is the same exact tools to create the same exact setup of a group to go into the same exact raid to have a chance that the same exact drops.

You should play the game your way and allow others to play their way.

Correct, but they made it more difficult as depending on how I or others were to do this, we will not attract the players needed to clear the content.

Hence, in order to successfully play the game to it’s fullest, we have to resort to some of the same tactics. An individual can refuse the paradigm, but their individual result will likely be failure. Blizzard did give us the tools to prevent lesser players from playing the game, you are very correct there.

I’m not here to change anything with the player base. I’m hoping that Blizzard might see some of my posts here, or what others have said on Reddit or on Twitter (X) and see that their current development direction is alienating customers and that it needs to change for the health of the SoD experiment.

From the changes that they made prior to their Holiday break, they appear to be listening.

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funny my hunter entered into bfd after hitting 25 20 minutes earlier. Try having some friends.