BFD impossible to get into as a hunter?

So I’ve put in the time to get prepared for BFD, got my pre-bis items, consumes, etc. aaaand… it has been days. I can’t find a single group that will take me as a hunter. They only want priests and feral druid DPS. Unless I reroll healer, I honestly don’t even know if I will get to raid this phase? I would start my own but I don’t feel confident leading a raid tbh.


Who is not taking hunters? They are top of the DPS charts.


Pretty dumb meta for a simple raid. God I can’t wait for a raid finder to side step these gate keepers.


Thats what I wanna know. I don’t understand it. But every single group wants a BFD geared hunter already…

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What server are you on?

Rofl stop.


There are infinite number of dps asking for spots. And youre playing one of the most popular. Most people just dont want a 2nd or 3rd hunter


Wild growth

It is bananas to me that y’all don’t make your own groups. It’s 10m content. nobody is gate keeping you. The only reason you feel gate-keeped is for being too lazy to make your own group.

and there will never be a raid finder in SoD. It is not something they will ever add to SoD.


I’d try looking for the Wild Growth discord and see about looking for groups there. might be more effective to get on an anticipated schedule vs random pick ups since you’re starting out.

Chaos Bolt we just grab the closest body and just go. :smiley:

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Join a guild and run with them. If you are prebis with your own consumables and know the mechanics youre an asset.

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We’d love to. And the best way we can find each other is through a raid finder. Why would you stand against it when you can just keep doing things the way you like?

I can’t make any groups on LFG. It’s impossible to find a MT. So people just leave and you’re consistently trying to replace those people. This is completely cumbersome and stupid. Just make a raid finder.


Raid finder has never dropped equivalent item level.

Gate keeping doesn’t exist, stop using the phrase.


Bro my alt pugs every lockout* full pug and I always find an MT.


Which server are you on, and what are you doing to find a group?

Are you a melee hunter? Are you RPing as a spell-caster?

I could definitely see why groups that are looking for fill 1 or 2 roles would be only looking for these specifically, for example if they didn’t have either of these specifically.

In my opinion, and experience, rerolling won’t solve anything for you. I suspect this is maybe an attitude or outlook-on-life issue.

You are a valuable addition to any group just as you are. Are frankly, that’s not only because you play a hunter, though it’s true of the hunter class at the moment as well. Hunters fit quite well into almost any group.

Some notable exceptions are:

  • We don’t have a feral druid (we need Wild Strikes for our melee)
  • We don’t have a healer (we need a healer)
  • We don’t have a tank (we need someone to tank stuff, and maybe we’re not comfortable with that being a pet for some reason)

Other than that, there’s not a lot of reason not to take a hunter, unless it’s gear competition. I lead several raid groups, and we often have 2-3 hunters in a 10-man, due to the current popularity of the class and that it’s quite decent DPS (though it would be even better with an interrupt!).

Keep your head up Terd! You’ll find a group that will polish you right up.



Your out of your mind, I put together groups with 3 hunters, rogue, feral, priest, maybe healer, pally, lock… or a relative combination… doing sub 40 minute runs… 38 is the fastest so far

I usually raid lead pugs but since i am only just starting BFD, even watching the fights on youtube, I dont feel confident leading anything until Ive done it myself a few times.

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Theres really nothing to lead. You remind people to buff up before a fight and you just go.
The only organization needed is kelriss figuring out who to stack on and what direction you move.

Why would you make assumptions on attitude/life outlook? Isn’t that a gigantic strawman as you’re trying to hamfist who I am to fit what you want to believe?

I usually raid lead pugs, Ive been doing so for ages, but I have not led a BFD yet because I wanted experience first. Can’t exactly get that if you’re being shoved out of every possible pug despite meeting all the requirements -except- for being BFD geared already. The groups I HAVE found always give me the boot in favor of people who want to go who are already geared despite having pre-bis. Not much I can do there.

Really would do yourself a gigantic service not to make assumptions on me personally just because the community has become very sweaty withlevel 25 content…


Because it’s probably about as difficult to get into a PuG BFD as a hunter as it is to get into a raid in Retail using LFR.

Terd, you seem to be clinging to a particular part of something I said, and missing the whole picture, but it’s whatever. You do you. Take what I said as it was or toss it away and don’t worry about it at all.

Nothing personal about you, but anyone having difficulty getting into BFD as a hunter has got to be going out of their way to find that difficulty.
