Mage tower is too easy now

If it’s so easy now, can you give me some pointers on the Sigryn fight? Which spec is easiest for it?

Faceroll… Maybe for DPS? Idk. Tried it again this xpac with Blood at 385 and failed pretty bad. Not worth the ugly cosmetics to learn a fight i’ll never farm. Yall have fun with that, again lol

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Dear OP,
From the posts I have seen, people do not really want a challenge, they want the reward. So Blizzard is honoring that request. Welcome to WoW 2023

Do it naked with a grey, level appropriate weapon.

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I don’t think that’s how it works. And considering you don’t have the experience (none that we can check) to back that up, i’m going to still believe you don’t know how that works then.

So? … Flame-Glaives were the easiest mage tower wep to get on the easiest spec of the easiest class. I still love them because they look cool despite the fact their probably more common then water.

Actually that sounds like a great idea. :slight_smile:

Play however you want in the game, get some currency and get cool weapons and cosmetics from the mage tower that is in the trading post. :smiley:

I think this thread is telling that you were never against it to begin with, but… go off your highness. :joy:

These people are putting in the same energy as those PS fanboys with their once PS exclusive games. :laughing: :salt:

Ahh yes, the 1# tactic of convincing people, calling people who disagree with you “haters”. Worked for well for the Saints Row Reboot devs, am i right or am i right? :laughing:

Funny, i don’t see him asking for Torghast and Visions 2.0, or Mythic World quests, or Mythic Scenarios. He just seems to be complaining about the rewards more or less, hence why he made this thread.

Why you think i like the idea of Trading Posts then? It can push me to do things i don’t usually do if i want more points to spend at the trading post.

Don’t think you understand what “buzzword” really means.

Cherry pick much, OP?

Couldn’t said it better myself, Murdercarpet. :+1:


Part 2, because people will dislike if my comment becomes lengthy, and this is 2023 where even a twitter comment is a novel somehow, and godforbid i do a little organizing by keeping it a single comment. :crazy_face: /s

Built an awesome gaming computer. Had to learn how to do it, now i can play games, and do stuff on blender much much better then before. :slight_smile:

And with my recent addition 3090, ooooooooooooooh boy. :drooling_face:

You are literally sitting here, caring. You care so much that you made a thread about how much Mage tower is apparently easy.

…So? What somebody thinks is “cool” is ultimately subjective anyways. I think the Flame-Glaives are cool for the design it has. :smiley:

I would love to see more people have this.

Sure, you can love something for the most shallow of reason like exclusivity or rarity, tons of PS fanboys do that everyday with their exclusives.

You must have it very rough in retail and even Classic Woltk to some extent if you dislike the idea of what’s once hard challenges, being easier as time goes on. Makes me wonder why you’re playing World of Warcraft if that’s your attitude when something like Overwatch is more your speed.

Dragonflying is a brand new mechanic that was never in the game prior. It handles very differently from flying.

You know what’s funny? Another classic alt here is agreeing with OP here… Seems like the attitude of level 55’s DK from those Nixxiom’s machininas was a real thing after all. :thinking:

I know you’re talking to him, but…

Lol. :point_down:

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If it’s easy to do now, I should go hop on it so I can get some of those nice rewards. :dracthyr_tea:
I may never play guardian druid, but that bear form looks amazing, so I’d like to get it!

Just because YOU have things doesn’t mean everyone does. I’m a Druid without felbear. The mage tower is very hard for me. I’d be ok with some nerfs. But ok without them…the mage tower though is not easy.

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IDK I tried it before reset and it was still hard on my 380 Monk. I should try it again now that I got the 2 piece set.

This. This right here is peak GD poster. The next time someone asks what the forums for World of Warcraft is like, show them this.

Bra they weren’t even hard in legion. I literally did everyone of them except for the healers besides disc because well I don’t heal but literally every tank and every dps was easy in legion.

You seem to have a reply or random thought you want to throw out into the ether on every comment, big or small. do you think anyone actually reads these long a$$ posts? Id recommend you pick and choose your battles if you want to have any meaningful discourse on the topic at hand.

Okay, i’m not forcing you to read those “random thoughts”, whatever you mean here. You can just read the more relevant points in my post and not get yourself distracted by these “random thoughts”. Or my sarcasm, considering you think what i’ve said there is a random thought, even though it wasn’t random at all, but i digress.

I think people have the mental capacity to read more then 1 paragraph and find the time whenever it is convenient for them to respond.

Should i stop thinking that? Is that problematic to assume people of that now?..

I already have meaningful discourse with people on these forums. Their not the ones who are complaining about my length.

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They are easy for you because you already know the fight and all the MT’s are about mechanics. People doing their first attempt are still getting one shot when they fail pretty much anything.

Good. It’s one of my favorite mounts in game and has been my go-to for months. Now more people can enjoy it too.

You are getting it wrong, the difficulty that the OP is going on about is the difficulty controlling other players game experience. He wants to control how THEY play and is finding it difficult. He is a controlling Karen that is frustrated with his lack of power.


“My pixels are not better than everyone else!!! I demand a duel to the death or else”

Which is actually how the playerbase thinks and acts. If you create content that is intended only for the top few percentage of players, it’s not for them. Both you and they know that lots of money was spent on you and your entertainment, while they got jack squat from you and your ilk. This is an expansion intended to allow you to play exactly the way you want to, while trying to force the customer you were mocking to play some way everybody else knows they don’t want to play.

People quit when they get bored in a videogame because they don’t have anything fun or interesting to do. Blizzard has issues with people quitting, yet they encourage players like you to mock other paying customers without consequence.

Blizzard needs to design the game for the playerbase they have if they want to retain customers, not a tiny part of the playerbase, not an imaginary playerbase they think they deserve. You can’t coerce casuals into wanting to play the way you think they ought to be forced to play. There aren’t tens of millions of elite esports hardcores out there waiting to subscribe to this game. The only way to effectively increase the percentage of elite players in the playerbase is by dramatically decreasing the number of non-elites.

So is your devious plan working?

In the end they will get the playerbase they deserve.


You’re clearly skilled to do content that a majority of people may struggle with, need guides and practice to complete. Which also means you’re very arrogant. I did prot paladin mage tower back in Legion and it was tough. Just recently did it with Guardian druid and it still took about 75 attempts with help of muscle memory. Flaunt your cockiness to someone who cares, which is no one.

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Imagine being this much of a snitch