Mage tower is too easy now

the premise behind reintroducing the mage tower was to keep it at the same level of difficulty as it was when it was first released in the Tomb of Sargeras patch.

the DF talent system has completely ruined that and made every challenge a simple faceroll.

i have many of the original mage tower weapons and honestly felt like earning some of the new mage tower mogs felt like more of an accomplishment because it was alot more challenging for me…now it’s just an easy faceroll that people complete within 10 attempts

i’m all for keeping content evergreen so people can always go back and get something cool later, but not if the difficulty is trivialized like this.

every single guardian druid has the felbear form, tons of people riding around on the spelltome mount…

the mage tower has become as simple as proving grounds.

please remove mage tower and re-balance it to be as challenging as it was during shadowlands, then re-release it when the difficulty has been adjusted to its proper level.


False. I do not.

Couldn’t do it when current. Couldn’t do it when MT first returned. Went back to forgetting MT even exists.

If stuff is too hard, I just wont bother with it.


Dear god. WoW GD will literally find the most pathetic things to complain about.

Imagine being upset because other Guardian druids have felbear form. There are more important things to care about in life.


Plenty of people had issues with Silver back in the day. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

No post classic throwaway alt, friend.


:white_check_mark: Classic character
:white_check_mark: Low post count
:white_check_mark: Obvious bait

Yup, that’s a troll. A real bueat.


level to 70 and go one shot it without watching a guide lol

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oh if it’s easy now I’m going to go get that fancy book mount then. I think some things should be easily achievable. We already have M+ for those driven for punishment.


And it wasn’t. For multiple specs

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yes those things are mogs from old raids u can go one shot… “challenge content” like the mage tower should be a challenge and require some work.

sure you can go get the book but it doesn’t mean anything anymore… everyone has it lol

Good. FOMO is for dweebs.


They didn’t rerelease the weapon appearances so IMO it doesn’t really matter.


FOMO requires that the content was removed… mage tower still exists, it is just so easy that everyone can faceroll it and its rewards mean nothing now

The disc priest one was remarkably easy in Legion. I had barely the foggiest idea of how to play that spec and still got it done.

People put way too much value in pixels…it’s pretty sad.


Literally impossible. The difficulty of the Mage tower fluctuated over the course of even the patch it was released in, no less over the course of the rest of Legion. The Mage Tower will always be easier or harder than it was back then due to the sheer amount of changes that have happened between then and now.

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yeah the mage tower became easily cheesed if you even had LFR antorus tier.

when it was released in tomb of sargeras, it was quite challenging.

when the timewalking mage tower was released in shadowlands, it was the same level of challenge as it was with tomb of sargeras gear.

now, DF talents have made the timewalking mage tower as easy as it was with mythic antorus tier.

they may as well just put the mage tower rewards in the trading post, at least it would take people a month to get lol

it is not impossible to re-tune the mage tower to keep its same level of difficulty, blizzard was just lazy about it.

i used to be against the removal of items and stuff like MOP challenge mode sets, but blizzard has proven they can’t retain the same level of difficulty with these challenges and they should just be removed at the end of their expansion.

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To all the haters, the OP is asking for the content to be challenging. do you not like to be challenged, do you not like to have something to work towards? The original mage tower had that and when blizz said they were waiting to re-release it, it was to make sure it wasn’t trivialized by the new level of player power. They just didn’t do a good enough job at it.

It’s not about gatekeeping, or FOMO, or any other buzzwords you wanna throw around. It’s about having challenging solo content.


exactly, thank you lol

i mean, look at this post explaining how easy mage tower is that everyone should go do it now before it gets buffed.

Mage Tower: GET IN THERE NOW! - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


Challenging is a relative term, and the mage tower is still challenging to most people.

That same day someone made a post saying it was too hard so I’d say it’s probably fine wherever it is now.


link it please, i seriously doubt someone made a post saying mage tower in DF was too hard LOL