What makes the Trading Post a major feature?

This is just a cosmetic reward thing to do ingame without paying, and just playing. Why is that suddenly a bad thing?

Oh no, it has content i don’t like that i can just completely ignore, thnik of the poor innocent gamers that paid premum price with monthy sub who got this feature for free. The horror. /s

Pour me a drink. :wine_glass: :roll_eyes:

…You said the content isn’t new, and i’ve asked why it has top be new, and if your unable to enjoy something unless it’s new? I’m pretty sure that’s very simple to process here, kiwi.

Whooosh, right over your head.

Even if you didn’t say or imply it as you claim, the fact that Blizzard does have the resources still stands. They do have the resources and you’re acting like they don’t, or pretending you know better (despite the fact you don’t back up your own experience, but i digress) Or that .1 is canceled over this patch. When .1 is still happening.

…And what are the basics if i may ask?.. :palm_up_hand:

Actually, i might have a few guesses based on the MMO you’ve shown most affection for over WoW’s for doing something they like, but… i want to see what you know what are the basics… :smirk:

Also, for all of you complaining about FOMO, why were you sticking up for Mage Tower here then?.. :thinking:

Seems a little sus to go from… “People dislike this content that was FOMO” to… “People like FOMO”…

Hmm… Interesting… :thinking: Let’s proceed.

Were talking about a Triple AAA developer that makes money though tax returns and candy crush as well CoD.

They can have this, along with stability fixes, bug fixes, and create more content that you’ve subjectively called “actual quality content”…

You think 9K+ employees working there and with a revenue of 8.803 billion USD isn’t enough for you?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, it doesn’t take a lot of resources… So what? It can still be enjoyed, and you getting upset that people enjoy a thing you have an apparent irrational hatred towards is silly.


If you hate it, ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to use it but yourself if you choose to, mate.

Oh no, people like what i dislike, THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS BUZZWORDS AND ALL THAT!!! /s :roll_eyes:

Honestly, everything you’ve said here can be applied to anything, even Dragonflying. Very interesting you’ve skipped that part, but i guess being a hypocrite is your style i suppose, or let me guess, the cliche “It’s not relevant” tactic?.. … :thinking:

Plus, were was this energy when WoW Tokens was released? Or when MTX was a thing in Wrath?..

Cool. Be spite fulled my dude, while i go and enjoy the game with this new trading post. :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, i’m still wondering why you are still subbed on this game when you clearly hate it… I mean you know Blizzard is still getting your money right?.. “OMG BLIZZARD DON’T CARE ABOUT THE CUSTOMERS!!! THEY ARE USING FOMO AND—” Still paying money out of your pocket. :laughing:

Not to mention, you’re complaining about something at is common in other MMO’s, including your MMO. :rofl:

They can spend time and money on both.