Mage tower is too easy now

yeah in antorus gear, they had zero difficulty.

Eh I tried it on my 70 BDK. Gave it a couple tries and couldn’t get through P1. Didn’t feel like slamming my head against it so I decided to do something else. Of course, I never really did mage tower before either so might be my lack of experience with it.

Tbh, if it wasn’t for the RP at the start I wouldn’t mind it as much, just the idea every time I fail I have to listen to RP was enough for me to not want to do it.

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Imagine in DF gear!!!

do you not realize that the premise behind blizzard removing the mage tower at the end of shadowlands and bringing it back in 10.05 was to ensure that it retained the same level of difficulty?

if blizzard can’t retain the same level of difficulty for challenges from expansion to eexpansion, then yeah, it should just be removed and replaced with a new, different challenge and rewards.

There’s plenty of posts commenting that’s it’s still hard, therefore it’s fine.
Btw post of your retail account so we can see that you actually have done the mage tower, unless you’re just lying :slight_smile:


What about the people that already earned every skin? I earned everyone except for arms warrior because it was ugly. Re-progressing through things you’ve already done is kind of meh

Guardian in its current form is an outlier, MT difficulty in it’s scaled-down state is going to vary on a spec-by-spec basis. I guess I’d make an exception for Ele Shaman, that challenge has always been super easy since the toolkit hard counters nearly every aspect of the Agatha encounter.

Indeed. Obviously they missed the mark massively. My copium is that this iteration of Mage Tower may be a test to see engagement among less hardcore players if the difficulty is decreased.

Having said al this, the nerfed difficulty means going for 36/36 is far more attainable without breaking my in-game wallet.

yep I did the sub challenge in 2 tries. it was super tight tho

There are also a ton of posts of people saying dragonflying is too hard…

I guess my problem is that I have no respect for people who hide behind an untraceable alt while whining that they can’t feel good about their accomplishments unless they are permitted to take away access to content from other people you think don’t deserve any content or rewards.

“Daddy Blizzard, if anybody else gets to do the mage tower, it will invalidate everything I have ever done in the game!”


you’ve never done the mage tower… why do you even have an opinion on the matter?

where did i ask blizzard to take away access? i merely asked for it to remain as challenging as it was in shadowlands…

sounds like you have some anger issues

Then support putting the book on the cash shop.

If the rewards mean nothing, I want to buy them.


My experience in dealing with DF’S Sigryn fight versus how it was in Legion proves this whole topic wrong.
It is so much more difficult now.

I think it’s about the right difficulty now, actually. Maybe it was actually just overtuned before.

I cant even do this tower without raging hard

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If you want challenging take all your gear off and go do it then :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Tune it to 7.2 difficulty. Now that was a challenge and it was perfect. You want your goodies? Actually work for them.

I went to the spriest mage tower a couple days ago after quickly watching one vid (and forgetting most of the stuff), and I one shot it not even coming close to failing it.

Me laughing in white grizzly :joy: