Mage tower is too easy now

To be fair it only took me 3 attempts when it was live. Once you learn the fight if it took that long you probably just needed more gear to hide your inefficiency in your class.

Wasnā€™t there a proving ground requirement for queues back in like MoP or WoD and people threw an absolute tantrum over it?

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Yep, the very same.

Did it in ye olden days as a druid. It wasnā€™t difficult back then, you needed the right legendaries. When i was putting in attempts i didnā€™t have the right ones (resto main). It was nearly a face roll when i did get them. I think the felbear is cool AF and i canā€™t wait to go back and try MT again. Glad to hear itā€™s not going to require the mercy of RNG.


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I only see one hater and itā€™s on the top of the post.

Just for you bud, I went and completed the tank MT challenge. 391 guardian (393 resto main). Thanks for my new felbear. O/

Op you have convinced me. I will definitely hit up the mage tower before they ramp up the difficulty. Thank you for bringing this to light so I can nab some easy transmogs and another +1 mount towards the 500 mount achievement.

i think you are exaggerating.
i did at least 7 challenges back in legion, one of them was before tombs came out, the others were on alt ilv 900 at best but with terrible gear nonetheless.
i felt stress from the challenges back then, the stress was a lot bigger when it comes to learn the challenge from 0.
now currently, i say i still got a level of stress from it, i did some new challenge i didnā€™t faced in the past and it was very stressing.
I donā€™t play as a healer, so when i went to try the healer challenge, i basically felt like giving up very soon.
so noā€¦ i donā€™t think its too easy now

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cries being 0/32 on gdruid run

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I still wanna know what specs youā€™re all completing God-Queen Challenge on

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Is that a problem?

Iā€™m here likeā€¦ Okay. If something is not enjoyable (for difficulty or whatever) why not just ignore it. Should he rage? Should he demand nerfs?

Sure, he could grit his teeth and git gud. But if that is not fun for him, why bother?

Yeah thats probably not gonna happen the mechnics are easy but u wont k ow what to intrupt u wont know what evergthing does first few attempt.

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You probably didnt know one of the darkmoon trinkets solod the mage tower for a while, they already hit fixed it but thats why it wasnt. Cuz it was easy its cuz of a op trinket

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Man if you donā€™t shut your over powered crybaby a55 up. Itā€™s fun side content to redo. Unsub if you are this miserable.

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You can roll your face on your keyboard as Ret and get it

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Omg stop.

Legion mage tower was ā€œeasyā€ towards the end too. I donā€™t know my ashkandi from my elbow in melee and still got the ghost kitty. Stop gatekeeping something that is already gatekept.

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Subjective. Youā€™re basically saying your opinion of challenging should be forced on everyone.

You could just flex and say how good you are because it was so easy. Instead youā€™re concerned other people might get old cosmetic only items against your wishes? Why do you care? Seems intrusive.

The challenge is over for you, move on or drop your gear score 100 and do it. Speed run it maybe, do it with your screen off. Youā€™re super good so make it challenging.

Right? Iā€™m glad everyone is getting to get the fel bear form. Itā€™s awesome to play with it.

Please let me know what you really think you you come off whatever you are onā€¦ Iā€™ve tried MT on every toon I have and Itā€™s damn right impossible without going back and getting all the old gear. Even my Ret Pally with 395 gear is getting ripped apart like a joke.

I donā€™t like the idea of the last DDOS attack on blizzard over the mage tower (violence is not the answer for anything) but I canā€™t blame them either. The mage tower is too hard. And Iā€™ve been tanking on my Blood DK since the Real LK. Getting steamed rolled there and I tank mythics half asleep or watching a show on my second monitor.